The Building Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to administer and enforce all of the provisions of this code. Whenever in this code it is provided that anything must be done to the approval of or subject to the direction of the Building Commissioner or any other officer of the town (i.e., the Police Chief and/or police officers or any agent of the Plan Commission). This shall be construed to give such officer(s) only the discretion of determining whether this code has been complied with; and no such provision shall be construed as giving any officer discretionary powers as to what this code shall be, or power to require conditions not prescribed by ordinances or to enforce this code in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. Any variance from adopted building rules is subject to approval under I.C. 22-13-2-7(b).
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988)
(A) Building rules of the State Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission as set out in the following Articles of Title 675 of the Indiana Administrative Code are hereby incorporated by reference in this code and shall include later amendments to those Articles as the same are published in the Indiana Register or the Indiana Administrative Code with effective dates as fixed therein.
(1) Article 13 - Building Codes.
(a) Fire and Building Safety Standards;
(b) Indiana Building Code;
(c) Indiana Building Code Standards; and
(d) Indiana Handicapped Accessibility Code.
(2) Article 14 - One and Two Family Dwelling Codes.
(a) Council of American Building Officials One and Two Family Dwelling Code;
(b) CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code; Amendments; and
(c) Standard for Permanent Installation of Manufactured Homes.
(3) Article 16 - Plumbing Codes: Indiana Plumbing Code.
(4) Article 17 - Electrical Codes.
(a) Indiana Electrical Code; and
(b) Safety Code for Health Care Facilities.
(5) Article 18 - Mechanical Codes: Indiana Mechanical Code.
(6) Article 19 - Energy Conservation Codes.
(a) Indiana Energy Conservation Code; and
(b) Modifications to the Model Energy Code.
(7) Article 20 - Swimming Pool Codes: Indiana Swimming Pool Code.
(B) Copies of adopted building rules, codes and standards are on file in the office of the Clerk Treasurer at the Town Hall.
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988)
No building permit shall be issued for the foregoing purposes, unless the application for a permit is accompanied by a plat or sketch of the proposed location showing lot boundaries, and by plans and specifications showing the work to be done. In addition, a copy of a design release, issued by the State Building Commissioner and the State Fire Marshal pursuant to I.C. 22-15-3-1, shall be provided to the Building Commissioner before issuance of a permit for construction covered by such design release.
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988)
A permit shall be obtained before beginning construction, alteration or repair of any building or structure, the construction cost of which exceeds $500, using forms furnished by the Building Commissioner, and all fees required by this code shall be paid to the town.
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988) Penalty, see § 150.99
Please refer to Title III: Administration, Chapter 36: Town Fee Schedule.
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988; Ord. 2024-001, passed 1-18-2024)
After the issuance of any building permit, the Building Commissioner shall make, or shall cause to be made, inspections of the work being done as are necessary to ensure full compliance with the provisions of this code and the terms of the permit. Reinspections of work found to be incomplete or not ready for inspection are subject to assessment of reinspection fees as prescribed in this code.
(Ord. 88-10, passed 10-18-1988)