In certain cases (such as, but not limited to, properties on or near ridgelines or hillsides), additional shielding may be required to mitigate glare or light trespass. The need for additional shielding will be considered as part of the review process performed by the planning commission prior to approval of any business or residence. (Ord., 3-10-2016)
9-4-9: TOWERS:
   A.   All monopole, antenna, tower or support facility lighting not required by the federal aviation administration (FAA) or the federal communications commission (FCC) is prohibited.
   B.   When lighting is required by the FAA or the FCC, such lighting shall not exceed the minimum requirements of those agencies. Collision markers should have a dual mode for day and night to minimize impact to the night sky and migrating birds.
   C.   All other lighting used on the property not regulated by the FAA or FCC shall conform to this chapter. (Ord., 3-10-2016)
The following shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter:
   A.   Holiday lighting from November 15 to January 15 as long as it does not create a hazard or nuisance to surrounding businesses or residences.
   B.   Traffic control signals and devices.
   C.   Temporary emergency lighting in use by law enforcement or government agencies, or at their direction.
   D.   The lighting of federal or state flags; provided, that the light is a narrow beam aimed and shielded to illuminate only the flag. Flag lighting should use appropriate illumination levels to light the flag, while at the same time fulfilling the purposes of this chapter.
   E.   Low voltage LED lights and solar lights used to illuminate pathways in residential areas, provided the lights are installed no more than eighteen inches (18") above the adjacent ground level and have caps that direct the light downward.
   F.   The planning commission, as part of its review as outlined in this chapter, may approve lighting that does not conform to these standards if need is established. An applicant requesting such lighting is required to provide proof of requirements of property insurance or findings of competent research demonstrating the need for the requested lighting. The planning commission may attach other conditions to the approval of such lighting that will make the lighting comply with the spirit of this chapter. (Ord., 3-10-2016)
The following are prohibited:
   A.   Uplighting to illuminate buildings and other structures, or vegetation, except as allowed by other provisions in this chapter.
   B.   Flashing, blinking, intermittent or other lights that move or give the impression of movement, not including holiday lighting between November 15 and January 15.
   C.   Floodlights or spotlights affixed to buildings for the purpose of lighting parking lots or sales display lot areas.
   D.   Searchlights, laser source lights or any similar high intensity light.
   E.   Except when used in window signage pursuant to subsection 9-4-7F4 of this chapter, neon or luminous tube lighting, either when outdoor mounted or indoor mounted if visible beyond the property boundaries. (Ord., 3-10-2016)
The following constitute violations of this chapter:
   A.   The installation, maintenance or operation of any lighting fixture not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter if such fixture is installed subsequent to the date when this chapter is formally adopted.
   B.   The alteration of outdoor lighting fixtures after a certificate of occupancy has been issued without the review and approval of the planning commission when such alteration does not conform to the provisions of this chapter.
   C.   Failure to shield, correct or remove lighting that is installed, operated, maintained or altered in violation of this chapter. (Ord., 3-10-2016)