A.   Gas Station Canopies: Gas station canopies may be illuminated, provided all light fixtures are mounted on the undersurface of the canopy, all light fixtures are full cutoff and diffusers are not visible from locations off the property. Except for directed beam lighting, merely placing the fixtures on the underside of the canopy does not qualify as fully shielding the light fixture. Directed beam lighting mounted under the canopy is allowed, provided the light source cannot be seen from outside the property boundaries.
   B.   Roadway/Streetlights: Streetlights are allowable as recommended by the town engineer or town council. All streetlights shall utilize lamp types that are energy efficient and minimize sky glow and other negative impacts of artificial lighting.
   C.   Parking Lots:
      1.   Spot or flood lighting of parking lots from a building or other structure is prohibited.
      2.   The overall height of any light post used to illuminate parking lots in commercial zones shall not exceed fourteen feet (14'). All post mounted parking lot lights shall be set back from property lines a distance that is determined appropriate by the planning commission.
      3.   The overall height of any light post used to illuminate parking lots in residential zones shall not exceed six feet (6').
      4.   All parking lot lighting shall use full cutoff fixtures.
   D.   Recreational Lighting:
      1.   The planning commission shall review all requests for new recreational lighting fixtures for fields or courts. The planning commission shall approve such requests only after finding:
         a.   The recreational lighting has provisions for minimizing glare, spill light and uplight by the use of louvers, hoods or shielding.
         b.   The recreational lighting does not exceed illumination levels for class IV sports lighting set by the Illuminating Engineering Society Of North America.
         c.   The recreational lighting will only illuminate the field or court area and shall be shielded to prevent illumination falling outside of those areas.
         d.   The light source for the recreational light will not be visible from adjacent properties.
      2.   Pole mounted recreational lighting shall be limited to eighteen feet (18') in height. Pole mounted recreational lighting must be set back an appropriate distance from neighboring properties as determined in consultation with the planning commission.
      3.   The lighting for nonfield and noncourt areas shall conform to all provisions of this chapter.
   E.   Amphitheater Lighting: Outdoor amphitheaters may use illumination to light the performance area of the amphitheater and for the safety of the public. The following standards apply to all amphitheater lighting:
      1.   Lighting used to illuminate the performance area must be either directed spotlighting or full cutoff lighting. If directed spotlighting, the light source must be located and designed such that it is not visible beyond the property boundaries.
      2.   Lighting used to illuminate the performance area may only be turned on during performances or rehearsals.
      3.   Lighting used to illuminate the seating areas, pathways and other areas of the amphitheater must meet all standards of this chapter.
   F.   Signs: Signs may be unlighted, lighted externally, lighted internally or backlit. All sign lighting must be designed, directed and shielded in such a manner that the light source is not visible beyond the property boundaries where the sign is located. Lighting for signs must be directed such that only the sign face is illuminated. All lighted signs must have stationary and constant lighting. (Note: For additional information on sign lighting standards, please refer to the town sign ordinance, chapter 3 of this title.)
      1.   Standards For Externally Illuminated Signs:
         a.   Lighting for externally illuminated signs must be aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the sign face and does not trespass onto adjacent streets, roads or properties or into the night sky.
         b.   Lighting for externally illuminated signs must be mounted at the top of the sign (or within 2 feet of the top of a building mounted sign), except for freestanding monument style signs which may be illuminated by ground mounted lighting.
      2.   Standards For Internally Illuminated Signs - Lighting Is Visible On Both Sides Of Sign:
         a.   Only sign copy areas and logos may be illuminated on an internally illuminated sign.
         b.   Internally illuminated signs shall use semiopaque materials for sign copy such that the light emanating from the sign is diffused. Transparent or clear materials are not allowed for sign copy. Noncopy portions of the sign (e.g., background and graphics) shall be made of completely opaque material.
      3.   Standards For Backlit Signs - Only One Side Of Sign Is Lit:
         a.   Backlit signs shall be designed such that the light source is not visible.
         b.   Backlit signs shall be designed such that harsh, direct illumination does not emanate out of the sign. Rather, the backlighting shall only allow indirect illumination to emanate from the sign. For example, signs that create a "halo" effect around sign copy are allowed.
         c.   Backlit signs shall use low wattage light sources.
      4.   Illuminated Window Signage: Illuminated window signs positioned to be primarily visible outside the business structure are allowed only if there are no more than two (2) signs per business space and each sign measures less than three and one-half (31/2) square feet in area. Such signs must not be illuminated when the business is closed. (Ord., 3-10-2016)