§ 154.068 WATER SUPPLY.
   All subdivisions shall be provided with an approved water system designed and constructed in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and Standard Specifications of the city. In the corporate limits of the city, all subdivisions will be connected with the city water supply distribution system or an approved private system.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2000)
   (A)   All subdivisions shall be provided with an approved sewage disposal system and shall be connected to the city sanitary sewer system, except as provided in division (C) below.
   (B)   The developer shall furnish and install the complete sewer system, including the mains, manholes, cleanouts, Y-branches, and service laterals for all lots, lift stations, and appurtenances. The sewage system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Master Plan and Standard Specifications of the city.
   (C)   In locations where sanitary sewers are not available and where the City Council concludes that installation of sanitary sewers is not feasible, on-site septic systems of approved type may be installed in conformity with the rules, regulations, and ordinances of the city, county, and state pertaining to public health. In case of conflict between city, county, and state rules, regulations, and ordinances, the most stringent of said rules, regulations, and ordinances shall prevail. The City Council shall grant approval for on-site septic system usage only in those conditions and circumstances in which very low density development can be accommodated or other exceptional circumstances exist. In no case shall on-site septic systems be installed without express approval and inspection by the city.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2000)
   All public or privately-owned underground utilities shall stub out all services from mains in all directions to the property lines in streets and in alleys where the services shall be stubbed out 18 inches inside the rear property line of platted lots and to the property line of unplatted property prior to commencing paving operations.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2000)
§ 154.071 AS-BUILT PLANS.
   The developer or a qualified engineer shall present the city with a reproducible (sepia) and complete "as-built" set of plans and three sets of blue-line or black-line prints on paper of "as-built" plans for all paving, drainage, structures, water mains, and sewer mains within 60 days after completion of each contract.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2000)
   All subdivisions shall conform to the Comprehensive Master Plan of the city and to all applicable zoning regulations. No subdivision design shall be approved that requires a change in zoning or an amendment to the Land Use Plan, as adopted, until a corrected zoning and amended Land Use Plan is approved.
(Ord. passed 4-20-2000)