It shall be the duty of any person conducting a licensed business in the city to keep his or her license posted in a prominent place on the premises used for such business at all times. The holder of a license shall show the license to any officer or agent of the city upon request.
(Ord. 141A, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 2022-08-997, passed 8-1-22)
(A) Definition. EMPLOYEE, for the purpose of construing this chapter only, is any partner, corporate officer or other individual who receives any direct or indirect compensation from any entity subject to the licensing under § 110.03.
(B) Exception. The sole proprietor of any unincorporated business is not an employee within the meaning of this chapter and shall not be counted for the purpose of computing the number of employees upon which the amount of any license fee shall be based.
(Ord. 141A, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 2022-08-997, passed 8-1-22)
The provisions contained herein do not affect the following existing ordinances:
(A) Any ordinance regulating, taxing or licensing businesses which manufacture, distribute or sell beer, wine or liquor;
(B) Ordinances licensing, regulating or controlling the operation of mobile home parks;
(C) Any franchise ordinance specifically, including, but not being limited to, utilities, sanitation service and telephone service.
(Ord. 141A, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 2022-08-997, passed 8-1-22)
This chapter shall not be construed to alter, change or regulate in any unlawful way any business, trade, occupation, profession or vocation regulated or governed by the laws of the State of Arkansas when such laws are in conflict with the provisions herein.
(Ord. 141A, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 2022-08-997, passed 8-1-22)
(A) Any person or entity violating any provision of this chapter, upon conviction, shall be fined a sum of not less than the amount of the license fee provided for, nor more than double such amount for each offense. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
(B) Provided, however, that any person or entity who continues to operate or conduct its business without the required license after having said license revoked or suspended, or after service of a Notice to Cease and Desist, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $500 and not more than $l,000 for each offense, with each day of violation constituting a separate and distinct offense.
(C) If a business entity continues to operate without a valid and current city business license beyond seven days after the date of a Notice of Cease and Desist was sent to the business or otherwise delivered or posted, the Mayor may order the withholding of all city services, including water, sewer and solid waste, for the business premises.
(Ord. 141A, passed 4-4-00; Am. Ord. 2012-01-03-386, passed 1-3-12; Am. Ord. 2017-09-650, passed 9-5-17; Am. Ord. 2022-08-997, passed 8-1-22)