   (A)   The following is a partial list of facilities which ordinarily will require a reduced-pressure principal backflow prevention assembly (RP) or an air gap in accordance with the ASPC. Requirements are based upon the degree of hazard afforded the public potable water system
      (1)   Automatic car washes.
      (2)   Auxiliary water systems (interconnected with the public water system).
      (3)   Exterminators and veterinary clinics.
      (4)   Facilities with boilers, condenser water or chilled water systems.
      (5)   Fire systems containing chemical additives.
      (6)   Hospitals, medical clinics, dental clinics, health clinics, sanitariums, morgues, mortuaries, autopsy facilities, nursing and convalescent homes.
      (7)   Irrigation systems and lawn sprinkler systems.
      (8)   Laboratories (industrial, commercial, photography, medical and school).
      (9)   Commercial laundries.
      (10)   Radiator and battery shops.
      (11)   Restricted, classified or other facilities closed to inspection.
      (12)   Sand, gravel and concrete plants.
      (13)   Wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and storm water pumping facilities.
      (14)   Marinas and dockside facilities.
      (15)   Commercial swimming pools.
      (16)   Commercial farms using pesticides and herbicides.
      (17)   Establishments holding livestock for sale or slaughter including cattle, horses, hogs, poultry, emus, ostriches, llamas, rabbits, etc.
      (18)   Others (with suspected high hazards).
   (B)   The following is a partial list of facilities which ordinarily will require a minimum of a double check valve assembly (DC) or an air gap in accordance with the ASPC:
      (1)   Tall buildings (over four stories) or any buildings with water booster pumps.
      (2)   Beauty parlors and barber shops.
      (3)   Hotels and motels.
      (4)   Restaurants, cafeterias, fast-food marts and other food handling facilities.
      (5)   Fire sprinkler systems (without chemicals).
      (6)   Others (with suspected medium hazards).
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)
   Any backflow prevention assembly required herein shall be an approved type which is in compliance with requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code.
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)
   (A)   In emergency situations when the public potable water supply is being contaminated or is in immediate danger of contamination the water service shall be discontinued by the water purveyor.
   (B)   No water service connection shall be installed on the premises of any consumer unless the public potable water system is protected as required by this subchapter.
   (C)   Delivery of water to premises of any consumer may be discontinued by the water purveyor and/or the Water and Sewer Committee and if any protective device required by this subchapter has not been installed, or is defective, or has been removed or bypassed. Discontinued water service shall not be resumed until conditions at the consumer's premise have been abated or corrected to the satisfaction of the water purveyor.
   (D)   Upon discovery of a violation of this subchapter, written notice shall be given to the consumer. If violations are not corrected by date and time as stated on the notice, the water supply will be discontinued and the violation may be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee.
   (E)   For the purpose of making any inspections or discharging the duties imposed by this subchapter, the water purveyor and/or the Water and Sewer Committee, the State Health Department, and/or plumbing inspector shall have the right to enter upon the premises of any consumer. Each consumer, as a condition of the continued delivery to his premises of water from the public water supply, shall be considered as having stated his consent to the entry upon his premise of the water purveyor and/or superintendent, the State Health Department, and/or plumbing inspector for the purpose stated herein.
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)
§ 51.37 OWNERSHIP.
   Backflow prevention assemblies installed downstream of the water meter are owned by and are the responsibility of the customer of the water utility.
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)
   Customers requiring backflow prevention assemblies shall pay all costs associated with installation and testing of the appropriate size and type of backflow preventer under private contract. For newly constructed facilities, backflow preventers shall be installed prior to the final plumbing inspection so that the device can be included as part of the inspection. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code.
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)
   The consumer will be responsible for the testing of the backflow prevention assembly by contract with a certified assembly test technician within ten days of installation and annually thereafter. The consumer shall furnish the water purveyor and the Water and Sewer Committee with a certificate of satisfactory testing by the anniversary date of the installation of the assembly. In instances where the water purveyor, the Water and Sewer Committee and/or the plumbing inspector deems the hazard to be great enough, testing may be required at more frequent intervals. All costs of testing shall be paid by the consumer. Any repairs required as a result of inspections or testing shall be arranged for and paid by the consumer through private contract with a certified assembly repair technician. Records of inspections, testing and/or repairs to backflow preventers shall be kept by the water purveyor and/or the Water and Sewer Committee and made available to the State Health Department upon request.
(Ord. 2014-11-484, passed 11-4-14)