Plant and Weed Control
92.01 Definition
92.02 Permitting to grow deemed nuisance
92.03 Duty of owner to prevent or remove
92.04 Removal by village
Tree Standards for Public Rights-of-Way
92.15 Prohibition of tree removal
92.16 Policy
92.17 Planting locations
92.18 Kinds of trees
92.19 Quality of trees
92.20 Planting procedures
92.21 Early maintenance
92.22 Pruning
92.23 Other maintenance
92.24 Tree protection
92.99 Penalty
Appendix A: Trees Approved for Planting along Public Rights-of-Way
Appendix B: Trees Prohibited for Planting along Public Rights-of-Way and Streets; Trees by Common Names
Appendix C: The Best Way to Plant Trees