717.07. Compensation.
   (a)   In addition to the permit fee described in Section 717.04(a), the permittee shall pay to the City four and one-half percent (4.5%) of permittee's annual gross revenues as defined in Section 717.01(g); provided that said fee shall not apply to any service which is specifically exempted by federal or state law. All contracts between a permittee and any third party for the use of permittee's facilities shall prohibit the resale or subleasing of permittee's facilities or capacity by the third party unless and until the third party obtains a telecommunication permit.
   (b)   In the event four and one-half percent (4.5%) of permittee's gross revenues is less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) in a calendar year, permittee shall pay to the City a total of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for that calendar year for the right to use the City's public places for its telecommunication system.
(Ord. 190-03. Passed 3-18-03)
   (c)   Payments shall be made on a quarterly basis within forty-five (45) days after the end of each quarter to the Treasurer of the City of Toledo. Each payment to the City shall be accompanied by a report detailing how the gross revenues were determined and the calculation of the payment. In the event permittee fails to make payment on or before the date it is due, interest on the delinquent amount shall be assessed at the rate of one percent (1%) per month.
   (d)   The City shall make reasonable efforts to collect the fees, services or equivalents required by Chapter 717 from every provider that is providing telecommunications service in the City of Toledo regardless of whether such entity has a permit from the City under Chapter 717.
(Ord. 398-97. Passed 6-24-97.)