717.01. Definitions.
   (a)   "Alternate access" or "competitive access" means the connection between a customer premises and a point of presence of an interexchange carrier for the transmission of voice, data or video/image information by an entity other than the local exchange carrier authorized or permitted to provide such service.
   (b)   "Applicant" means any person, firm, organization or corporation engaged in the telecommunications business.
   (c)   "Basic local exchange service" means the end user and carrier access to and usage of telephone company-provided facilities that enable customers, over a local exchange telephone company network operated within a local service area, to originate or receive voice grade, data, or image communications and to access interexchange or other networks.
   (d)   "City" means the City of Toledo.
   (e)   "Commission" means the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
   (f)   "Community antenna television system" whenever used in this chapter includes community antenna television, multichannel video programming and the transmission of video or other programming service to subscribers and any subscriber interaction required for the selection of that video or other programming service.
   (g)   "Gross revenues" means all cash, credits, or property of any kind or nature reported as revenue items to permittee's audited income statements arising from the provision or resale of telecommunication services within the City including but not limited to installation charges, maintenance charges, equipment rental, voice service, video service, information service and all other services which use the permittee's telecommunication facilities within the City and any interconnection between its system in the City and any other system whatsoever. Gross revenues shall not include any: advertising income; lease, rental, production, and non-facility based income; income from contracts other than subscriber contracts; administrative income, such as fines, late charges, and other revenues derived from administrative programs; bad debts; deposits; promotional or vendor discounts or credits; or sales, service, occupation or other excise tax to the extent such taxes are charged separately from normal service charges and are remitted by the permittee directly to the taxing authority.
   (h)   "Innerduct" means a single, enclosed raceway for conductors, optical fiber, wire or other cable.
   (i)   "PCS" means personal communications services which involves portable wireless two-way communication via interconnected cells.
   (j)   "Permittee" means any applicant issued a telecommunication permit under this chapter or any person, firm, organization or corporation holding a license or agreement to operate a telecommunication system within the City.
   (k)   "Public Service" means the Department of Public Service of the City of Toledo.
   (l)   "Telecommunication permit" means the nonexclusive right granted by the City which authorizes the construction, operation, maintenance and use of a telecommunication system that occupies the streets, lanes, avenues, sidewalks, alleys, bridges or any other public place within the City.
   (m)   "Telecommunication service" means voice, video or data transmission over a telecommunication system, the lease of a telecommunication system to third-party resellers, or other access or private line service.
   (n)   "Telecommunication system" means all facilities and other property owned, used or leased by the permittee to provide telecommunications services in the City including, but not limited to, community antenna television systems.
(Ord. 398-97. Passed 6-24-97.)