717.04. Permit fees.
   (a)   Each applicant and/or recipient of a telecommunications permit shall pay a permit request fee of $100.00.
   (b)   Any recipient of a telecommunications permit who is not required to pay the gross receipts charge authorized by Section 717.07(a) shall pay the following fees to the City each year for use of the right-of-way, provided, however, that said fees shall be capped at an amount equal to four and one-half percent (4.5%) of permittee's annual gross revenues as calculated in Section 717.07:
      (1)   For systems connecting local customers with interexchange carriers or for any other telecommunications service not specifically described, a minimum fee of $1,000.00 per year or $1,000.00 per linear mile of right-of-way, whichever is greater.
      (2)   For wireless or personal communications systems, the greater of:
         A.   A minimum of $1,000.00 per year;
         B.   $1,000.00 per linear mile of right-of-way; or
         C.   $100.00 per cell site, antenna, node or other signal carrying site which utilizes the City right-of-way by means of a land line.
      (3)   For lines, cables or fiber optics of an applicant placed in a conduit or duct-bank owned by another telecommunication permittee or licensed provider, the fee shall be one-half of the otherwise applicable fee.
(Ord. 190-03. Passed 3-18-03.)
   (c)   If the permittee is given permission to utilize conduit or duct-bank owned by the City, the fee shall be double the otherwise applicable fee listed in subsection (b) above whether or not the permittee pays the gross receipts charge. In addition, where the permittee uses such City-owned conduit or duct-bank, the permittee shall, where feasible, separately construct a minimum one and one-half inch (1½") conduit with innerduct for the City's sole use at permittee's expense and any other improvements required by the City in connection with the use and upgrading of the conduit. The City shall not sell, lease, sub-lease, or otherwise allow a third party to use any conduit or duct-bank or cable that a permittee constructs or designates for use by the City except as authorized by permittee.
(Ord. 398-97. Passed 6-24-97.)