(a) No contract involving any expenditure of the amount of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) or more shall be executed by any officer of the City in behalf thereof, except in pursuance of an advertisement or bids published at least twice in the City Journal, the first of which advertisements shall be at least ten (10) days preceding the opening of bids. The advertisement for such bids may be published prior to the time the ordinance authorizing the contract becomes effective, but no bids shall be accepted, or contract executed until the ordinance authorizing the same is in full force and effect.
(Ord. 575-07/294-08. Passed 5-6-08.)
(b) The City shall include in public improvement plans and specifications an estimate of the cost of the improvement. Public or private improvement for purposes of Chapter 187 means any construction, reconstruction, improvement, enlargement, alteration, demolition, repair, or maintenance of a building, highway, drainage system, water system, road, street, alley, sewer, ditch, sewage disposal plant, water works, and any other structure or work of any nature on City owned property or any such improvements funded in whole or in part by the City. No contract may be entered into for the public improvement if the price of the contract exceeds the amount appropriated by City Council for the work. The execution of the contract with the successful bidder shall be completed within ninety days after the date on which bids were opened unless the time is extended by mutual consent of the City and the successful bidder. The contractor shall not begin work until granted a notice to proceed by the City, which shall not be unduly delayed.
(c) A contract, agreement, or other procurement document, duly authorized by Toledo Council, as required by this Chapter, the Toledo Charter and pertinent AP&Ps, may be executed by the Mayor through an electronic format and with an electronic signature. Likewise, the corresponding, respective and required signatures of the pertinent Departmental Director, the Fiscal Officer (Finance Director), as well as the Director of Law, may also be secured to the contract, agreement or other procurement documents by electronic signature.
(Ord. 569-11/2-12. Passed 1-3-12; Ord. 294-23. Passed 5-30-23.)