1127.01 Street conformance.
1127.02 Street design and arrangement.
1127.03 Street alignment.
1127.04 Street and alley right of way and pavement widths.
1127.05 Street grades.
1127.06 Street names.
1127.07 Dedication of streets.
1127.08 Acceptance of streets.
1127.09 Curbs and gutters.
1127.10 Sidewalks.
1127.11 Easements.
1127.12 Drainage.
1127.13 Culverts and bridges.
1127.14 Public water supply.
1127.15 Location and construction of individual private wells.
1127.16 Sanitary sewers.
1127.17 Easement along streams and drainage ditches.
1127.18 Land subject to flooding or containing poor drainage facilities.
1127.19 Lots.
1127.20 Blocks
Inspection of streets and acceptance - see Ohio R.C. 711.091
Procedure for subdivision approval - see P. & Z. Ch. 1125