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Tiffin Overview
Codified Ordinances of Tiffin, OH
Subdivision Design Standards
1127.01   Street conformance.
1127.02   Street design and arrangement.
1127.03   Street alignment.
1127.04   Street and alley right of way and pavement widths.
1127.05   Street grades.
1127.06   Street names.
1127.07   Dedication of streets.
1127.08   Acceptance of streets.
1127.09   Curbs and gutters.
1127.10   Sidewalks.
1127.11   Easements.
1127.12   Drainage.
1127.13   Culverts and bridges.
1127.14   Public water supply.
1127.15   Location and construction of individual private wells.
1127.16   Sanitary sewers.
1127.17   Easement along streams and drainage ditches.
1127.18   Land subject to flooding or containing poor drainage facilities.
1127.19   Lots.
1127.20   Blocks
Zoning Board of Appeals - see CHTR. Sec. 7.03; P. & Z. Ch. 1147
Inspection of streets and acceptance - see Ohio R.C. 711.091
Definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1123, 1143
Procedure for subdivision approval - see P. & Z. Ch. 1125
   The arrangement, character, extent, width and location of arterial, collector and local streets or highways shall conform with the provisions of these regulations. Other streets shall conform to the recommendation of the Planning Commission based on existing and planned streets, topography, public safety and convenience and proposed uses of land.
(Ord. 77-55. Passed 9-6-77.)
   (a)   The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining areas or their proper projection where adjoining land is not subdivided, insofar as they may be deemed necessary for public requirements. Every subdivision shall have access to a public right of way.
   (b)   The street and alley arrangement shall be such as not to cause hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. Residential streets shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic, but offset streets should be avoided.
   (c)   The angle of intersection between minor and major streets should not vary by more than ten degrees from a right angle. All other streets should intersect each other as near to a right angle as possible and no intersection of streets at angles of less than seventy degrees shall be permitted.
   (d)   Local streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic which may otherwise use arterial or collector streets, and whose origin and destination are not within the subdivision. Local streets extending for considerable distance, parallel to any collector or arterial street, should be avoided.
(Ord. 77-55. Passed 9-6-77.)