1143.01   Interpretation of terms.
General definitions - see ADM. 101.02
Flood plain definitions - see P. & Z. 1191.01
Sign Code definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1193
   For the purpose of this Zoning Ordinance, certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows:
   (a)   The word “person” or “applicant” includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company or corporation as well as an individual.
   (b)   The present tense includes the future tense, the singular number includes the plural, and the plural number includes the singular.
   (c)   The word “shall” is a mandatory requirement, the word “may” is a permissive requirement, and the word “should” is a preferred requirement.
   (d)   The words “used” or occupied” include the words “intended, designed or arranged to be used or occupied.”
   (e)   The word “lot” includes the words “plot” or “parcel.”
   (f)   The word “building” includes the word “structure”
1.   Accessory Building or Use: A subordinate building or use located on the same lot as the principal building or use, which is naturally and normally incidental to that principal building or use. An accessory use is one which is naturally and normally incidental to the main use of the premises. (Ord. 2305. Passed 12-21-65.)
2.   Adult Entertainment Business: An adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult motion picture theater, adult motion picture drive-in theater, or any adult-only entertainment establishment as defined by this Ordinance.
   a.   Adult Bookstore: An establishment that has a substantial portion of its stock-in- trade and offers for sale, for any form of consideration, any one or more of the following: 1) books, magazines, periodicals, or other printed matter, or photographs, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other visual representation that are characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or other instruments, devices, or paraphernalia that are designed for use in connection with specified sexual activities.
   b.   Adult Cabaret: A nightclub, bar, restaurant, or similar establishment that regularly features live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or by specified sexual activities, or films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions in which a substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of material that is characterized by an emphasis upon the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
   c.   Adult Motion Picture Theater: An establishment where, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions are shown, and in which a substantial portion of the total presentation time is devoted to the showing of material characterized by an emphasis on the depiction or description of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
   d.   Adult Motion Picture Drive-In Theater: An open air drive-in theater which is regularly used or utilizes a substantial portion of its total viewing time for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or related to adult material as defined by this Ordinance.
   e.   Adult-Only Entertainment Establishment: An establishment where the patron directly or indirectly is charged a fee; where the establishment features entertainment or services which constitute adult material as defined in this Chapter; or which features exhibitions, dance routines, or gyrational choreography; or persons totally nude, topless, bottomless; or strippers (male or female), female impersonators; or similar entertainment or services which constitute adult material.
3.   Adult Day Care Facilities: A facility where adults that are not normally capable of taking care of themselves are taken care of on an hourly or daily basis by qualified persons other than the primary care giver, without providing any overnight accommodations or routine medical service other than emergency service or administering of medication. The facility is characterized by the fact that the adults do not leave or are not capable of leaving the facility without assistance from a care giver.
4.   Adult Family Home (ORC 3722.11): A residence or facility that provides accommodations to three to five unrelated adults and supervision and personal care services to at least three of those adults
5.   Adult Group Home (ORC 3722.01): A residence or facility that provides accommodations to six to sixteen unrelated adults and provides supervision and personal care services to at least three of three unrelated individuals. Typically, elderly persons occupy adult group homes.
6.   Agriculture: The use of land for farming, dairying, pasturage, agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, and animal and poultry husbandry and the necessary accessory uses for packing, treating or storing the produce, provided however, that the operation of any such accessory uses shall be secondary to that of normal agricultural activities
7.   Alley: See Thoroughfare.
8.   Amusement Arcade: A place of business within a building or outdoor structure or any part of a building having more than five (5) mechanical or electronically operated amusement devices which are used for the purpose of public entertainment through the operation, use, or play of any table game or device commonly used as an electronic game which is operated by placing therein any coin, plate, disc, slug, key, card or token of value by payment of a fee.
9.   Announcement Sign: A sign with permanent or changeable wording directing attention to the use or event of a public or quasi-public institution and located upon the premises of the institution.
10.   Apartment: A room or suite of rooms intended, designed, or used as a residence by an individual single family. (Ord. 2305. Passed 12-21-65.)
11.   Appeal: A request for a review of the Zoning Administrator’s interpretation of any provision of this chapter or a request for a variance.
12.   Awning: A roof-like cover supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building and composed of nonrigid materials except for the supporting framework.
13.   Banner: A sign written on a large strip of cloth, paper or other material, usually fastened between two fixed points, and referring to a specific event.
14.   Basement: A story partly underground and having at least one-half of its height above the average level of the adjoining ground. A basement shall be counted as a story if subdivided and used for dwelling or business purposes, other than for the quarters of a watchman or janitor.
15.   Bed and Breakfast: A dwelling wherein lodging and/or food is provided by a resident family primarily for transient guests as distinguished from a boarding house, hotel, or motel.
16.   Boarding House: A building other than a hotel or motel, where, for compensation by the week or month, meals or lodging and meals are provided for five (5) or more persons but not more than twenty (20) persons.
17.   Building: Any structure having a roof supported by columns or walls for the support, enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals or property of any kind.
18.   Building, Height: The vertical distance measured from the average elevation of the finished grade at the front of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the deck line of mansard roofs, and the height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip, and gambrel roofs.
19.   Building Line: See Setback Line.
20.   Building, Principal: For any given lot or property, the building in which the principal use of the lot is conducted.
21.   Business Sign: A sign which directs attention to the name of the business or establishment, the goods or commodities sold or manufactured, and/or services rendered on the premises on which the sign is located.
22.   Canopy: A roof-like cover extending from part or all of a building face and constructed of some durable material such as metal, glass, plastic or wood.
23.   Cellar: That portion of a building between floor and ceiling which is wholly or partly below grade, and having more than one-half of its height below grade.
24.   Church or Place of Religious Worship: An institution that people regularly attend to participate in or hold religious services, meetings, and other activities. The term “church” shall not carry a secular connotation and shall include buildings in which the religious service of any denomination are held.
25.   Clinic: A building designed and used for the diagnosis and treatment of human patients that does not include overnight care facilities.
26.   Club: A building or portion thereof, or premises owned or operated by a corporation, association, or persons for a social, educational or recreational purpose, but not primarily for profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business.
27.   Conditional Use: A use that would not be appropriate generally or without restriction throughout the zoning district but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to the neighborhood, would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare.
28.   Condominium: An estate in real property consisting of an undivided interest in common with other purchasers in a portion of a parcel of real property, together with a separate interest in space in a residential building, such as an apartment. A condominium may include, in addition, a separate interest in other portions of such real property.
29.   Convenience Stores: Any retail establishment offering for sale prepackaged food products, household items, and other goods commonly associated with the same and having a gross floor area of less than 5,000 square feet.
30.   Cooperative Apartment: Dwelling units within a multiple dwelling or two-family dwelling in which each owner has an interest in the entire complex and a lease of his own apartment, though he does not own his apartment as in the case of a condominium. Cooperative apartment dwellings shall conform to the general laws of the State.
31.   Development: Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations located within the area of special flood hazard.
32.   Dish Antenna, Satellite: Any antenna or receiver earth station designed, constructed, or modified to bring on or receive satellite signals excluding such antennas less than twenty inches (20") in diameter or equivalent area.
33.   District (also called Zone): A portion of the city within which certain uses of land, premises, and buildings are regulated and within which certain yards and open spaces are required and certain height limits are established for buildings.
   (Ord. 02-35. Passed 8-5-02.)
34.    Dwelling: A building designed or used as living quarters for one (1) or more families. "Dwelling," "single-family dwelling," "two-family dwelling," or "multiple-family dwelling" shall not be deemed to include motel, hotel, or rooming house. A dwelling may include an industrialized unit (as defined herein) and a manufactured home (as defined herein) provided it meets all of the following requirements:
   a.   The dwelling is affixed to a permanent foundation and connected to appropriate utilities.
   b.   The dwelling, excluding any addition, has a width or length of at least twenty-two feet (22 ft.) at one point. The total living area of the dwelling, excluding garages, porches, or attachments, must be at least nine hundred square feet (900 sq. ft.).
   c.   The dwelling has a minimum 3:12 residential roof pitch, conventional residential siding, and a six inch (6 in.) minimum eave overhang, including appropriate guttering. (Ord. 20-137. Passed 2-16-21.)
35.   Dwelling, Industrialized Unit: A building unit or assembly of closed construction fabricated in an off-site facility that is substantially self-sufficient as a unit or as part of a greater structure and that requires transportation to the site or intended use. Industrialized unit includes units installed on the site as independent units, as part of a group of units, or incorporated with standard construction methods to form a completed structural entity. An industrialized unit does not include a manufactured home or mobile home as defined herein.
36.   Dwelling, Multiple-Family: A building or portion thereof used for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more dwelling units designed for or occupied exclusively by three or more families.
37.   Dwelling, Single-Family (attached): One of two residential buildings having a common or party wall separating dwelling units.
38.   Dwelling, Single-Family (detached): A residential building containing not more than one dwelling unit entirely surrounded by open space on the same lot designed for or occupied exclusively by one family.
39.   Dwelling, Two-Family: A residential building designed for or occupied exclusively by two families.
40.   Engineering Department: The Engineering Department of the City of Tiffin, its chief enforcement official, and his/her authorized employees.
41.   Face of Sign: Any side of a sign in a plane different from all other sides.
   (Ord. 02-35. Passed 8-5-02.)
42.    Family: One (1) or more persons living together as a single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a rooming house, motel or hotel, dormitory, fraternity or sorority house, provided that "family" shall not include more than three (3) persons unrelated to each other by blood, marriage, or legal adoption.
   (Ord. 20-137. Passed 2-16-21.)
43.   Floor Area: The sum of total horizontal areas of the several floors of all buildings on a lot, measured from the interior faces of exterior walls. The term gross floor area shall include basements; elevator shafts; stairwells at each story; floor space used for mechanical equipment with structural headroom of six feet, six inches (6' 6") or more; penthouses, attic space, whether or not a floor has actually been laid; providing structural headroom of six feet, six inches (6'6") or more; interior balconies; and mezzanines.
44.   Freestanding Sign: A sign which is not attached to a building.
45.   Frontage: The frontage is the lot line abutting a right-of-way ordinarily regarded as the front of the lot.
46.   Garage, Private: An accessory building for the private use of the owner or occupant of a principal building situated on the same lot of the principal building for the storage of motor vehicles that are owned and used by the occupants of the building with no facilities for mechanical service or repair of a commercial or public nature.
47.   Garage, Public: A building designed and used for the storage of automotive vehicles operated as a business enterprise with a service charge or fee being paid to the owner or operator for the parking or storage of privately owned vehicles.
48.   Home Occupation: An occupation, profession, activity, or use that is clearly and entirely incidental and secondary to the use of a residential dwelling, which does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood.
49.   Hotel: A facility offering transient lodging accommodations on a daily rate to the general public and providing additional services, such as restaurants, meeting rooms, and recreational facilities.
50.   Identification Sign: A sign which is limited to the name, address, and number of a building and the institution or persons occupying the building.
51.   Institution: A building occupied by a nonprofit corporation or a nonprofit establishment for public use.
52.   Laundromat: An establishment providing washing, drying or ironing machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises.
53.   Loading Space: A space within the main building or on the same lot therewith, providing for the standing, loading or unloading of trucks, and having minimum dimensions of twelve feet by thirty—five feet and a vertical clearance of at least fourteen feet.
54.   Lot: A parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by one (1) or more dwellings in a residential district, or a permitted building or use in a commercial or industrial district, intended as a unit for transfer of ownership, together with accessory buildings and uses customarily incident thereto. A lot includes open spaces and minimum area provisions as are required by this Ordinance for the district in which the lot is situated. Occupancy by a use permitted in this Zoning Code, including one main building together with its accessory buildings, the open spaces and parking spaces required by this Zoning Code, and having its principal frontage upon a street or upon an officially approved place.
55.   Lot Coverage: The ratio of enclosed ground floor area of all buildings on a lot to the horizontally projected area of the lot, expressed as a percentage.
56.   Lot Measurements: Lot measurements are defined as follows:
   a.   Lot Depth: The average horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
   b.   Lot Width: The distance between the lines connecting front and rear lot lines at each side of the lot, measured at the building setback line.
   c.   Lot, Minimum Area of: The area of a lot exclusive of any portion of the right-of- way of any public or private street.
   d.   Lot of Record: A lot which is part of a subdivision recorded in the office of the Seneca County Recorder, or a lot or parcel described by metes and bounds, the description of which has been recorded.
57.   Lot Types: Terminology used in this Ordinance with reference to corner lots, interior lots, and through lots is as follows:
   a.   Double Frontage Lot: A lot having a frontage on two nonintersecting streets as distinguished from a corner lot.
   b.   Corner Lot: A lot located at the intersection of two (2) or more streets. A lot abutting on a curved street or streets shall be considered a corner lot if straight lines drawn from the foremost point of the lot meet at an interior angle of less than one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°).
   c.   Interior Lot: A lot with only one (1) frontage on a street.
   d.   Through Lot: A lot other than a corner lot with frontage on more than one (1) street. Through lots abutting two (2) streets may be referred to as double-frontage lots.
   e.   Reversed Frontage: A lot on which frontage is at right angles to the general pattern in the area. A reversed frontage lot may also be a corner lot.
58.   Manufactured Home Park: Any tract of land upon which two (2) or more manufactured homes used for habitation are parked, either free of charge or for revenue purposes, and include any roadway, building, structure, vehicle, or enclosure used or intended for use as a part of the facilities of such park. A tract of land which is subdivided and the individual lots are not for rent or rented, but are for sale or sold for the purpose of installation of manufactured homes on the lots is not a manufactured home park even though three (3) or more manufactured homes are parked thereon, if the roadways are dedicated to the local government authority. "Manufactured Home Park" does not include any tract of land used solely for the storage or display for sale of manufactured homes.
   (Ord. 02-35. Passed 8-5-02.)
59.    Manufactured Home: A building unit or assembly of closed construction fabricated in an off-site facility that conforms with the federal construction and safety standards established by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the "Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974," and that has a label or tag permanently affixed to it certifying compliance with all applicable federal construction and safety standards.
   a.   The manufactured home was manufactured after January 1, 1995.
   b.   The manufactured home is not located in a manufactured home park as defined herein. (Ord. 20-137. Passed 2-16-21.) 
60.   Marquee: See Canopy.
61.   Mobile Home: A building unit or assembly of closed construction that is fabricated in an off-site facility, is more than 35 body feet in length or, when erected on site, is 320 or more square feet, that is built on a permanent chassis and is transportable in one or more sections, and does not qualify as a manufactured home or industrialized unit as defined by SB 142.
62.   Motel: A building or group of detached or connected buildings designed or used primarily for providing sleeping accommodations for automobile travelers and having a parking space adjacent to a sleeping room. An automobile court or a tourist court with more than one unit or a motor lodge are also deemed a motel.
63.   New Construction: Structures for which the “start of construction” commenced on or after the effective date of this chapter.
64.   Nonconforming Use: A lawful use of land that does not comply with the use regulations for its zoning district but which complied with applicable regulations at the time the use was established. .
65.   Nursing Home: A home or facility used for the reception and care of individuals who by reason of illness or physical or mental impairment require skilled nursing care and of individuals who require personal care services, but not skilled nursing care. A nursing home is licensed to provide personal care services and skilled care services.
66.   Open Space: An area substantially open to the sky which may be on the same lot with a building. The area may include along with the natural environmental features, water areas, swimming pools, and tennis courts, and other recreational facilities that the Planning Commission deems permissive. Streets, parking areas, and buildings are not included as open space.
67.   Parking Lot: An area not within a building where motor vehicles may be stored for the purposes of temporary, daily, or overnight off-street parking.
68.   Parking Space, Off-Street: A surfaced area, enclosed in the main building or in an accessory building, or unenclosed, having an area of not less than 180 square feet exclusive of driveways, permanently reserved for the temporary storage of one automobile and connected with a street or alley by a surfaced driveway which affords satisfactory ingress and egress for automobiles.
69.   Place: An open unoccupied space for a public or private thoroughfare other than a street or alley permanently reserved as the principal means of access to abutting property.
70.   Real Estate Sign: A sign directing attention to the promotion, development, rental, sale or lease of the land or buildings on which the sign is located.
71.   Recreational Facilities: Commercial or noncommercial facilities that offer non-passive recreational services to a group of people or the general public. Included in this definition are outdoor recreational facilities, such as golf courses, driving ranges, gaming clubs, riding clubs, tennis courts, and swimming pools; and indoor recreational facilities in which all activities are conducted indoors. This definition could also include a combination of indoor and outdoor recreational services.
72.   Restaurant: An establishment that serves food and beverages primarily to persons seated within the building. This includes cafes, tea rooms, and outdoor cafes.
73.   Restaurant, Drive-In/Drive-Through: A retail establishment that delivers prepared food and/or beverages to customers in motor vehicles or at a drive-through window; regardless of whether or not it also serves prepared food and/or beverages to customers who are not in motor vehicles; for consumption either on or off the premises.
74.   Right-of-Way: A strip of land dedicated for use as a public way and may include but is not limited to curbs, lawn strips, sidewalks, lighting, and drainage facilities, and may include special features (required by the topography or treatment) such as grade separation, landscaped areas, viaducts, and bridges. Usually includes streets, alleys, boulevards, and sidewalks. Legally defined on plat maps in the County Recorder’s Office.
75.   Roof Sign: Any sign erected, constructed and maintained upon or over the roof or parapet wall of any building, and having its principal support on the roof or walls of the building.
76.   Rooming House: A building that is the primary residence of the owner and in which rooms are provided by the owner for compensation to three or more adult persons not related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the owner.
77.   Safety Sign: A sign alerting the public to certain hazards.
78.   Satellite Dish: See Dish Antenna, Satellite
79.   Scrap: Materials intended for recycling, dilapidated metal, paper, building materials and equipment, bottles, glass, plastic, appliances, motor vehicles, and parts thereof.
80.   Scrap Shops, Scrap Yards: Any land, property, structure, building, or combination of the same, on which scrap is stored or processed.
81.   Service Station: Any premises where gasoline and other petroleum products are sold and/or light maintenance activities such as engine tune-ups, lubrication, minor repairs, and carburetor cleaning are conducted. Service stations shall not include premises where heavy automobile maintenance activities such as engine overhauls, automobile painting, and body work are conducted. Also called Gas Station.
82.   Setback Line: A line established by the Zoning Ordinance generally parallel with and measured from the lot line, defining the limits of a yard in which no building, other than accessory buildings, or structure may be located above ground, except as may be provided in said code.
83.   Sexual Activity: Sexual conduct or sexual contact, or both, as defined in 2907.01 ORC.
84.   Sexual Contact: Any touching of an erogenous zone of another, including without limitation to the thigh, genitals, buttocks, pubic region, or, if the person is a female, a breast, for the purpose of sexually arousing or gratifying either person.
85.   Sexual Excitement: The condition of the human male or female genitals when in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal. (Ord. 02-35. Passed 8-5-02.)
86.   Sign. Any device designated to inform or attract the attention of persons not on the premises on which the sign is located, including but not limited to murals. For the purposes of this Code, the word "sign" does not include the American flag, the insignia of any government, governmental agency, or any charitable organization.
   a.   Sign, On-Premises: Any sign related to a business or profession conducted or a commodity or service sold or offered upon the premises which such sign is located.
   b.   Sign, Off-Premises: Any sign unrelated to a business or profession conducted or to a commodity or service sold or offered upon the premises where such sign is located.
   c.   Sign, Illuminated: Any sign illuminated by electricity, gas or other artificial light including reflecting or phosphorescent light.
   d.   Sign, Lighting Device: Any light, string of lights, or group of lights located or arranged so as to cast illumination on a sign.
   e.   Sign, Projecting: Any sign which projects from the exterior of a building.
      (Ord. 12-78. Passed 1-17-13.)
87.   Sign Area: That surface are which is included by a line drawn to surround all elements of communication where those elements include lettering, accent color, pattern or texture areas and/or background features which are not a usual part of another structure. Unless otherwise specified, references to limitations on sign area refer to each face of a sign.
88.   Storage Lot: A lot without a main building used for unenclosed storage of materials and equipment.
89.   Story: That part of a building between the surface of a floor and the ceiling immediately above.
90.   Story, Half: A partial story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than four feet above the floor of such story, except that any partial story used for residence purposes, other than a janitor or caretaker or his family, or by a family occupying the floor immediately below it, shall be deemed a full story.
91.   Street: A public or private thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to abutting property. See also Thoroughfare
92.   Street Line: A street line is the right-of-way line or the established property line of a street as indicated by dedication or by deed of record.
93.   Structure: Anything constructed or erected, either permanent or portable, the use of which requires location on the ground or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground. Structures include but are not limited to buildings, manufactured homes, walls, fences, parking lots, sidewalks, and billboards.
94.   Structural Alterations: Any change in the supporting members of a structure, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders, other than a change in doors or windows or a minor alteration which affects primarily the appearance and not the life of the structure.
95.   Swimming Pool: A pool, pond, lake, or open tank having a span of at least six feet (6') and intended for human recreational use and maintained by the owner or manager. Farm ponds and pools, ponds, or lakes developed as landscape design features where swimming is not intended and does not occur, shall be excluded.
   a.   Private Pool: Exclusively used without paying an additional charge for admission by the residents and guests of a single household, a multiple-family development or a community, the members and guests of a club or the patrons of a motel or hotel; an accessory use.
   b.   Community Pool: Operated with or without a charge for admission and is open to the general public for recreational use.
96.   Thoroughfare, Street, or Road: The full width between property lines and binding every public way with a part thereof to be used for vehicular traffic. All thoroughfares, streets, or roads are designated as follows:
   a.   Alley: A minor public right-of-way used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or side of properties abutting on another street.
   b.   Arterial Street: A general term denoting a highway primarily for through traffic, carrying heavy loads and large volume of traffic, usually on a continuous route.
   c.   Collector Street: A thoroughfare, whether within a residential, industrial, commercial, or other type of development which primarily carries traffic from local streets to arterial streets, including the principal entrance and circulation routes within residential subdivisions.
   d.   Cul-de-Sac: A local street of relatively short length with one end open to traffic and the other end terminating in a vehicular turnaround.
   e.   Dead-End Street: A street temporarily having only one (1) outlet for vehicular traffic and intended to be extended or continued in the future.
   f.   Local Street: A street primarily for providing access to residential or other abutting property.
   g.   Loop Street: A type of local street, each end of which terminates at an intersection with the same arterial or collector street, and whose principal radius points of the one hundred eighty degree (180°) system of turns are not more than one thousand feet (1,000') from said arterial or collector street, nor normally more than six hundred feet (600') from each other.
   h.   Marginal Access Street: A local or collector street, parallel and adjacent to an arterial or collector street, providing access to abutting properties and protection from arterial or collector streets. (Also called Frontage Street.)
97.   Through Lot: See Lot Types.
98.   Topless: The showing of female breasts with less than a full opaque covering of any portion, thereof, below the top of the nipple.
99.   Use: The specific purposes for which land or a building is designated, arranged, intended, or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained.
100.   Variance: A modification of the strict terms of the relevant regulations where such modification will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the regulations would result in unnecessary and undue hardship.
101.   Window Sign: Any sign placed inside or upon the inside of a window and intended for viewing outside the premises.
102.   Wireless Telecommunications Equipment Shelter: A structure in which electronic receiving and relay equipment for a wireless telecommunications facility is housed.
103.   Wireless Telecommunications Facility: A facility consisting of the equipment and structures involved in receiving telecommunications or radio signals from a mobile radio communication source and transmitting those signals to a central switching computer which connects the mobile unit with land-based telephone lines.
104.   Wireless Telecommunications Tower: A structure intended to support equipment used to transmit and/or receive telecommunications signals including monopoles, guyed, and lattice construction steel structures.
105.   Yard: An open space between a building or between the portion of the lot which is used for storage or servicing purposes, and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided herein, and measured as the minimum horizontal distance between the lot line and the main building.
   a.   Yard, Front: A yard extending across the front of a lot between the side yard lines and measured between the street or place line and the main building or any projections thereof other than the projections of the usual uncovered steps, uncovered balconies or uncovered porches. On corner lots, the front yard shall be considered as parallel to the street upon which the lot has its least dimension.
   b.   Yard, Rear: A yard extending across the rear of a lot between the side lot lines and measured between the rear lot line and the rear of the main building or any projections thereof other than the projections of uncovered steps, uncovered balconies or uncovered porches. On all lots the rear yard shall be at the opposite end of the lot from the front yard.
   c.   Yard, Side: A yard between the main wall of the main building and the side line of the lot, and extending from the front lot line to the required rear yard.
106.   Zoning Code: Ordinance 2305, passed December 21, 1965, and as amended, and codified herein as Titles Three through Seven of this Part Eleven-Planning and Zoning Code.
107.   Zero Lot-Line Development: An arrangement of housing on adjoining lots in which one required side yard is reduced to zero.
108.   Zoning Map: The Official Zoning Map of the City of Tiffin which is part of this Zoning Ordinance and delineate the boundaries of zoned districts.
109.   Zoning Inspector: The person designated by the City Administrator to administer the Zoning Ordinance and issue Zoning Permits.
110.   Zoning Permit: A document signed by the Zoning Inspector, as required in the Zoning Ordinance, as a condition precedent to the commencement of a use or the erection, construction, reconstruction, restoration, alteration, conversion, or installation of a structure or building, which acknowledges that such use, structure or building complies with the provisions of the City Zoning Ordinance.