General Provisions
158.01 Purposes
158.02 Administration
158.03 Abbreviations
158.04 Definitions
158.05 Charges and fees
Prohibitions and Requirements
158.20 General prohibition
158.21 Specific prohibition and requirements
158.22 Release reporting and cleanup
158.23 Storm water discharges from construction activities; generally; one-acre disturbances
158.24 Storm water discharges associated with industrial activities; compliance monitoring
158.25 Citizen participation and publication
158.99 Penalty
The purpose and objectives of this chapter are as follows:
(A) To maintain and improve the quality of surface water and ground water within the city, the county and the state;
(B) To prevent the discharge of contaminated storm water runoff from industrial, commercial, residential and construction sites into the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) within the city;
(C) To promote public awareness of the hazards involved in the improper discharge of hazardous substances, petroleum products, household hazardous waste, industrial waste, sediment from construction sites, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other contaminants into the storm sewers and natural waters of the city;
(D) To encourage recycling of used motor oil and safe disposal of other hazardous consumer products;
(E) To facilitate compliance with state and federal standards and permits by owners and operators of industrial and construction sites within the city; and
(F) To enable the city to comply with all federal and state laws and regulations applicable to storm water discharges, under TPDES General Permit No. TXR040024.
(1998 Code, § 50-210) (Ord. 10-05, passed 3-17-2010)