§ 151.015 DEFINITION.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BOARD. The Board of Adjustments.
(1998 Code, § 22-110) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
   (A)   There is hereby created a five-member Board of Adjustments consisting of:
      (1)   An officer, agent or employee of the electrical utility company engaged in furnishing electricity for the inhabitants of the city who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission;
      (2)   A duly licensed electrical contractor who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission;
      (3)   A duly licensed master electrician who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission; and
      (4)   Two residents of the city, at least one of whom shall not be employed in the electrical contracting industry or building industry.
   (B)   Serving as an ex-officio member to the Adjustments Board shall be the Building Official and the Fire Marshal or designee.
(1998 Code, § 22-111) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
§ 151.017 TERM OF MEMBERS.
   Members of the Board, except the City Building Official and the Fire Marshal or designee, shall hold office for a period of two years, unless sooner removed by a vote of the City Commission.
(1998 Code, § 22-112) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
   The members of the Board shall serve without pay.
(1998 Code, § 22-113) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
§ 151.019 SECRETARY.
   The Building Official shall be an ex-officio member of the Board and serve as Secretary of the Board. That person shall keep a record of all examinations held, all applicants examined and the results of the examinations, together with other records as the Board may direct.
(1998 Code, § 22-114) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
§ 151.020 DUTIES.
   It shall be the duty of the Board to hear the appeals of persons aggrieved by interpretation of the Electrical Code or by a decision of the Electrical Inspector and make recommendations to the staff.
(1998 Code, § 22-115) (Ord. 04-16, passed 6-2-2004; Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
§ 151.035 REQUIRED.
   (A)   The city recognizes the licensing scheme for electricians administered by the State Department of Licensing and Regulation. A state license and proof of liability insurance shall be registered with the Building Official before a person may engage in business or work under the license.
   (B)   It shall be unlawful for any person not the holder of an unexpired, unrevoked license to engage in any business or do any work in connection with installing, maintaining, repairing, extending, constructing or replacing any electrical wiring, apparatus or equipment, including electrical signs, for the utilization of the service of any supply company in providing electrical energy for light, heat or power to or for any building, structure or premises in the city. It shall further be unlawful for the holder of any license to engage in business or work under the license other than business or work authorized by the class of license held by him or her.
(1998 Code, § 22-131) (Ord. 04-16, passed 6-2-2004; Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99
   No electrical contractor shall send any person on any job requiring a license in the capacity of an electrician unless such person is the holder of, and in possession of, a master electrician’s or a journeyman electrician’s license.
(1998 Code, § 22-132) (Ord. 04-16, passed 6-2-2004; Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99