(A) Any public service company, firm or persons furnishing electric current to the public under franchise granted by the city for lighting, heating or power shall have the right to install and connect or disconnect and remove their meters, as well as meter-related connections on the line side, and their protective devices at their option without permit.
(B) Where meters are now installed at inaccessible places in houses or buildings and the electric public service company desires to relocate the meter loop for convenience in rendering its service or for the purpose of standardization of its service in the public interest, it may, upon request to the City Electrical Inspector, have a licensed electrical contractor reinstall the meter loop at a point desired by it and all work done at the request of the electrical public service company shall be performed at its own expense without cost to the owner.
(C) On a 20-amp branch circuit in residential installations, not more than ten consuming outlets per circuit will be allowed.
(1998 Code, § 22-91) (Ord. 96-21, passed 8-7-1996)
All vehicles used by electrical contractors shall have painted or affixed to the vehicle’s side door a sign showing the name, address and a state license number of the contractor in letters of a minimum size of two inches.
(1998 Code, § 22-92) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
(A) There is hereby created a five-member Board of Adjustments consisting of:
(1) An officer, agent or employee of the electrical utility company engaged in furnishing electricity for the inhabitants of the city who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission;
(2) A duly licensed electrical contractor who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission;
(3) A duly licensed master electrician who shall have been nominated by the Mayor and whose nomination shall have been confirmed by the City Commission; and
(4) Two residents of the city, at least one of whom shall not be employed in the electrical contracting industry or building industry.
(B) Serving as an ex-officio member to the Adjustments Board shall be the Building Official and the Fire Marshal or designee.
(1998 Code, § 22-111) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)
The Building Official shall be an ex-officio member of the Board and serve as Secretary of the Board. That person shall keep a record of all examinations held, all applicants examined and the results of the examinations, together with other records as the Board may direct.
(1998 Code, § 22-114) (Ord. 15-42, passed 12-16-2015)