Each member of the Board shall be a resident citizen of the city, unless this qualification shall be waived by a majority vote of the City Commission, and each member shall be a taxpayer and qualified voter within the city.
(1998 Code, § 82-32) (Ord. 99-76, passed 12-15-1999)
The powers and duties of the Recreation and Tourism Board shall be as follows:
(A) Act in an advisory capacity in all matters pertaining to public parks and recreational and tourism facilities operated by the city;
(B) Consider the annual budget of the Recreation and Tourism Board and make recommendations with respect thereto to the City Commission; and
(C) Assist in the planning of parks, recreation and tourism programs, promote and stimulate public interest in the programs, establish policies and procedures for said programs and, to that end, solicit, to the fullest possible extent, the cooperation of the school authorities and other public and private organizations.
(1998 Code, § 82-36) (Ord. 99-76, passed 12-15-1999)
The members of the Recreation and Tourism Board shall serve without compensation and, whenever it is deemed necessary by the Board to incur any expense in performing the duties assigned to the Board, an estimate of the proposed expenses shall be submitted to the City Commission. No debts of any kind or character shall be made or incurred by the Board or anyone acting for the Board, unless the expenditure has been specifically authorized by the City Commission prior to the time the obligations are incurred.
(1998 Code, § 82-37) (Ord. 99-76, passed 12-15-1999)
(A) Commission established. There is hereby constituted a commission, to be known as the “Firefighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission”, in compliance with applicable state law.
(B) Director. The Director of the Commission shall be appointed by the Commission and shall meet the same requirements as provided for members of the Commission. The Director may either be a member of the Commission, another employee of the city or some other person. The duties of the Director shall be in accordance with Tex. Local Gov’t Code § 143.012 and the City of Texas City Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, as adopted, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The Director shall serve as secretary to the Commission, attending the regular and special meetings of the Commission, and recording its official actions.
(2) Supervise all examinations, including the preparation, scheduling, scoring, and security of test materials;
(3) Classifying of Fire and Police Department positions;
(4) Other such matters as may be deemed reasonably necessary in regard to the efficient and effective administration of the Civil Service System for the city.
(C) Members. The Commission shall consist of three members, who shall each be appointed by the City Commission upon the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer. Initially, two members shall be appointed for a term of three years and one for a term of two years. Thereafter, all appointments to such Civil Service Commission shall be for terms of three years. A Commission member may not be reappointed to more than a third consecutive term unless the member's reappointment to a fourth or subsequent consecutive term is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the municipality's governing body.
(Tex. Local Gov’t Code § 143.006)
(D) Chairperson; vice-chairperson. Each January, the members shall elect a chairperson and a vice-chairperson.
(Tex. Local Gov’t Code §143.006(e))
(E) Vacancies. In case of a vacancy in the Commission, a person shall be appointed by the the Chief Executive Officer to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment.
(F) Qualifications. The Director and all Commissioners shall be of good moral character, shall be resident citizens of the city, shall have resided in the city for a period of more than three years, shall each be over the age of 25 years and shall not have held any public office within the preceding three years.
(G) Removal of Director; members.
(1) The Director or members of the Commission may be removed by a two-third vote of the City Commission for any act contrary to the best interest of the service or failure to act in a manner to promote the best interest of the service, having first given to the member a copy of the charges against him or her.
(2) The Director or member so charged shall have the right of a public hearing and the right of appeal to the District Court as allowed employees of the classified service under the Civil Service Law.
(H) Compensation of Director; members. The Director and members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
(1998 Code, § 90-61)