(A) Action by Chief of Police. Upon receipt of an application for a license required by this subchapter, the Chief of Police shall carefully examine the facts of the application and approve or disapprove the application. Grounds for denial shall include the following:
(1) The application contains a materially false or fraudulent statement; and
(2) The applicant, or an officer, partner or employee thereof, has been convicted of a felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude within the five years immediately preceding the date of the application.
(B) Action by City Commission.
(1) If the Chief of Police disapproves the application, the applicant may request that the application be referred by the Chief of Police to the City Commission.
(2) The Commission shall then either approve or disapprove the application; provided that, before a disapproval, the Commission shall give the applicant an opportunity to be heard and give him or her written notice of the time and place of the hearing at least five days prior thereto, at which time the applicant may appear and be heard. After the hearing, if the City Commission finds the applicant to be an unsafe and improper person to engage in business as a junk dealer, it may, in its discretion, disapprove the application.
(1998 Code, § 94-63) (Ord. 11-11, passed 4-20-2011)
Upon compliance with the provisions of this chapter and upon the approval of the application by the City Commission or the Police Department, the Police Department shall issue the license provided for in this subchapter and shall number all licenses consecutively.
(1998 Code, § 94-65) (Ord. 11-11, passed 4-20-2011)