General Provisions
   30.01   Elections
   30.02   License and permit denial, suspension and revocation
   30.03   Bonds
   30.04   Defaulters not eligible for office
   30.05   Residency requirements
   30.06   Conflicts of interest
   30.07   City Secretary
City Commission
   30.20   Commission districts
   30.21   Time and place of meetings
   Fire Department, see Ch. 32
   Personnel Policies, see Ch. 34
   Police Department, see Ch. 32
§ 30.01 ELECTIONS.
   All elections pertaining to municipal affairs shall be governed by the election laws of the state and applicable provisions of the Charter.
(1998 Code, § 42-1)
   Any provision of this code which provides for denial, suspension or revocation of a license or permit shall be construed, unless otherwise specifically provided in this code, to include a requirement that no such license or permit shall be denied, suspended or revoked under such provision, except in accordance with Tex. Occupations Code Ch. 53.
(1998 Code, § 2-1)
§ 30.03 BONDS.
   (A)   Mayor and Commissioners.
      (1)   Before taking the oath of office, the Mayor and each Commissioner shall make a bond in the sum of not less than $3,000, each executed by an approved surety company authorized to do business in the state, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of their office. The bond shall be approved within 20 days after the entry upon the minutes of the city of the election or appointment of such officials, and payable to the city for the use and benefit of the city.
      (2)   These bonds shall be approved by the outgoing Mayor and Commissioners, or by the remaining members of the Board of Commissioners in case of filling a vacancy thereof.
   (B)   Other officers and employees. All other officers and employees shall be bonded with an approved surety company in amounts which, in the judgment of the Commission, are deemed sufficient.
(1998 Code, § 2-61)
Charter reference:
   Authority to require bonds, see Art. XVIII, § 4
   No person who is in debt to the city for any sum of money, other than current utility bills, shall be eligible for any elective city office.
(1998 Code, § 2-62)
   (A)   All elected officials shall reside within the city. All department heads shall reside within the city; however, the Mayor, at his or her discretion, may allow for variance for department heads on, a case-by-case basis.
   (B)   Any employee, other than elected officials and department heads, may reside beyond the city limits; provided, the employee meets the requirements set forth in division (C) below.
   (C)   (1)   Each employee residing outside the city limits shall respond to a civil emergency in not more than 20 minutes from the time he or she is notified.
      (2)   To RESPOND, in all cases except for firefighters and police officers, means that the employee when notified shall report to a designated official or department head, or representative thereof, within the city at the place to which he or she is directed.
      (3)   To RESPOND for firefighters means that the firefighter when notified shall report to the Fire Chief or his or her representative at the central fire station, 1725 25th Street North, Texas City, Texas.
      (4)   To RESPOND for police officers means that the police officer when notified shall report to the Chief of Police or his or her representative at the police station, 1004 9th Avenue North, Texas City, Texas.
      (5)   Employees electing to reside outside the city limits should select residences near enough so as to enable them to respond to civil emergencies within the time specified in this section.
   (D)   The City Commission expressly finds that the standards set forth in division (C) above, with respect to the time within which city employees who reside outside the city limits must respond to a civil emergency, are reasonable.
(1998 Code, § 2-63)