(A) No person operating or occupying a motor vehicle on a street, highway, alley, parking lot or driveway, whether public or private property, shall operate or permit the operation of any sound amplification system from within the vehicle so that the sound is plainly audible at a distance of 50 or more feet from the vehicle.
(B) SOUND AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM means any radio, tape player, compact disc player, loud speaker or other electronic device used for the amplification of sound.
(C) (1) PLAINLY AUDIBLE means any sound produced by a sound amplification system from within the vehicle, which clearly can be heard at a distance of 50 feet or more. Measurement standards shall be by the auditory senses, based on direct line of sight. Words or phrases need not be discernable and bass reverberations are included.
(2) The motor vehicle may be stopped, standing, parked or moving on a street, highway, alley, parking lot or driveway, on either public or private property.
(D) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section that the operator was not otherwise prohibited by law from operating the sound amplification system, and that any of the following apply:
(1) The system was being operated to request medical or vehicular assistance or to warn of a hazardous road condition;
(2) The vehicle was an emergency or public safety vehicle;
(3) The vehicle was owned and operated by a public utility company, including the city;
(4) The system or vehicle was used in an authorized public activity, such as parade, fireworks, sporting event, musical production or other activity which has the approval of the City Commission or a department of the city authorized to grant such approval; and/or
(5) The vehicle operator had obtained a mechanical loudspeaker/amplifier permit pursuant to § 94.009 of this code of ordinances.
(1998 Code, § 118-11) (Ord. 02-05, passed 2-20-2002) Penalty, see § 10.99
The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall oversee the traffic code, with the following duties:
(A) Shall place and maintain traffic-control signs, signals and devices when and as required under this traffic code to make effective the provisions of this traffic code, and may place and maintain such additional traffic-control devices as he or she may deem necessary to regulate traffic under this traffic code or under state law, or to guide or warn traffic.
(B) It shall be the duty of the Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, to supervise the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic-control devices.
(C) The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall keep an official map of all traffic-control signs, signals and devices placed or erected within the city under the provisions of this traffic code, along with complete records therefor.
(1998 Code, § 118-73)
(A) No provision of this traffic code for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, an official sign is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person
(B) Whenever a particular section of this traffic code does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place.
(1998 Code, § 118-74)
(A) A list of traffic-control signs, signals, devices and markers which are in place at the street locations therein shown and are in use for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic, is to be kept on file in the office of the Director of Transportation and Planning.
(B) It shall be a misdemeanor to disobey the instructions of any traffic-control device.
(C) The list of traffic control devices and makers, maintained and updated by the Director of Transportation and Planning, are hereby affirmed, ratified and declared to be official traffic-control devices.
(1998 Code, § 118-75)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit A, giving descriptions and locations of such devices, is on file with the city and has not been included herein.
The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall designate any street intersections at which traffic shall be controlled by electric traffic-control signals or lights and shall cause the signals or lights to be installed and maintained at the intersections.
(1998 Code, § 118-76)
The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, may designate any street intersection as a stop intersection and designate the streets upon which vehicles shall stop before entering the intersection. Whenever any intersection has been so designated, the Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall cause the intersection to be identified by the erection of stop signs indicating which vehicles approaching the intersection shall stop, and it shall be the duty of the driver of any vehicle approaching such a sign to bring the vehicle to a complete stop at the sign or at a clearly marked stop line before entering the intersection, except when directed to proceed by a police officer or a traffic-control signal. After having so stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection or which are approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard. The driver, after having so yielded, may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approaching on the intersecting street shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the intersection.
(1998 Code, § 118-77)
Statutory reference:
Authority of city to designate stop intersections, see Tex. Transportation Code §§ 542.202(a)(8), 544.003
Duty of drivers with respect to stop signs, see Tex. Transportation Code §§ 544.003
The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, may install and maintain yield right-of-way signs at intersections where a special hazard may exist anywhere vehicles shall be required to yield the right-of-way. The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield right-of-way sign shall, in obedience to the sign, slow down to a speed not in excess of 15 mph, or shall stop if necessary, and shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian crossing the roadway on which he or she is driving and to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another street so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard.
(1998 Code, § 118-78)