The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall oversee the traffic code, with the following duties:
(A) Shall place and maintain traffic-control signs, signals and devices when and as required under this traffic code to make effective the provisions of this traffic code, and may place and maintain such additional traffic-control devices as he or she may deem necessary to regulate traffic under this traffic code or under state law, or to guide or warn traffic.
(B) It shall be the duty of the Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, to supervise the installation and proper timing and maintenance of traffic-control devices.
(C) The Director of Transportation and Planning, or his or her designee, shall keep an official map of all traffic-control signs, signals and devices placed or erected within the city under the provisions of this traffic code, along with complete records therefor.
(1998 Code, § 118-73)
(A) No provision of this traffic code for which signs are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator if, at the time and place of the alleged violation, an official sign is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person
(B) Whenever a particular section of this traffic code does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place.
(1998 Code, § 118-74)
(A) A list of traffic-control signs, signals, devices and markers which are in place at the street locations therein shown and are in use for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic, is to be kept on file in the office of the Director of Transportation and Planning.
(B) It shall be a misdemeanor to disobey the instructions of any traffic-control device.
(C) The list of traffic control devices and makers, maintained and updated by the Director of Transportation and Planning, are hereby affirmed, ratified and declared to be official traffic-control devices.
(1998 Code, § 118-75)
Editor’s note:
Exhibit A, giving descriptions and locations of such devices, is on file with the city and has not been included herein.