(A) On receiving the first communication that the patient has specifically designated no preference, the telecommunications operator receiving the communication shall call the first transfer company on the rotation list. If the transfer company does not timely respond within 30 minutes (absent exigent circumstances), the next transfer company on the rotation list will be called.
(B) On each succeeding communication that the patient has specifically designated no preference, the next company on the rotation list shall be called, and so on, calling each transfer company on the list in rotation, and proper notation of each call shall be made on the master list.
(C) The city reserves the right to cancel the “next-out” transfer unit as warranted by the situation on scene. If the city cancels the “next-out” for any reason other than the company’s failure to arrive within the allocated time limit, or the equipment does not meet the requirements of the situation, the company shall be placed on top of the rotation list and shall receive the subsequent “next-out” call.
(D) The transfer ambulance rotation list shall be limited to four slots and the total number of ambulance service permits issued by the city at any one time shall therefore be limited to four.
(Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)
(A) Each holder of an ambulance service permit shall maintain in effect at all times a policy for:
(1) Public liability;
(2) Property damage;
(3) Automobile liability insurance; and
(4) Professional liability insurance, identifying the city and its agents as additional insured parties, with a company authorized to do business in the state and approved by the City Attorney, in amounts not less than $500,000 on account of injury to or death of one or more persons, and $100,000 for damage to or destruction of property.
(B) Each permittee shall furnish the permit officer a valid certificate of insurance showing compliance with this section and any such policy shall contain the usual non-cancellation clause, except upon 30-days’ advance written notice to the city.
(1998 Code, § 46-36) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)
(A) The holder of a transfer ambulance service permit shall submit to the permit officer, on such forms as may be prescribed for the purpose, a report setting forth the fact of the occurrence of either of
the following events and fully setting forth all circumstances surrounding the event, such report to be submitted within 24 hours following the event:
(1) A non-emergency transfer became an emergency situation suddenly and without warning;
(2) A death occurred during the course of a non-emergency transfer; and/or
(3) A permitted vehicle became involved in a traffic accident.
(B) The holder of a non-emergency ambulance permit shall submit a response summary for all activities in the city to the city annually at the close of each permitted year. In addition, the permittee shall be subject to operational and medical audits conducted by the city.
(C) Any hospital site including a free-standing emergency room operating under § 35.03(B) shall submit a monthly response summary for all activities in the city to the Permit Officer.
(D) The holder of an emergency ambulance permit shall submit to the permit officer, on such forms as may be prescribed for the purpose, a copy of all response reports setting forth all circumstances surrounding the event and applicable patient information and pre-hospital care rendered.
(1998 Code, § 46-38) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)
The permit officer shall have the following duties:
(A) Receive applications for permits issued pursuant to this subchapter, cause such investigation as he or she deems necessary to be made of the applicant and approve or deny issuance of any permit;
(B) Issue permits authorized under this subchapter upon his or her making the findings required in this subchapter;
(C) Examine or cause to be examined all applications for renewal permits so as to determine that each such applicant is in full compliance with all requirements of this subchapter and the State Department of Health;
(D) Reinspect and reexamine all applications for renewal permits so as to determine that each such applicant is in full compliance with all requirements of this subchapter and the State Department of Health;
(E) Conduct or cause to be conducted an inspection of the ambulance, equipment and business records and the premises from which such ambulance service operates;
(F) When a permit is issued or renewed under provisions of this subchapter, affix one permit to the back window, passenger side, and one to the front window, passenger side, which indicates the vehicle meets all requirements established by this subchapter.
(G) Subject to appeals provided for in this subchapter, revoke or suspend any permit issued pursuant to this subchapter; and
(H) Develop such reasonable regulations subject to the approval of the City Commission as may be necessary for the proper enforcement and implementation of the provisions of this subchapter, and to maintain the highest standard of pre-hospital emergency medical services and delivery thereof.
(1998 Code, § 46-39) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014)
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise engage in or profess to be engaged in an ambulance service or the business or service of transporting emergency or non-emergency patients upon the streets, alleys or public ways of the city unless such person holds a valid ambulance service permit issued pursuant to the terms of this subchapter.
(B) Each applicant for an ambulance service permit shall submit application therefor upon such forms as may be prescribed by the permit officer, and in addition shall furnish the following:
(1) Acceptable proof, in binder or other suitable form, that all insurance requirements of this subchapter have been met or will be met upon issuance of the permit; and
(2) A complete listing of the names of personnel who will be employed, together with satisfactory proof that all of such personnel meet the standards of qualifications set forth in the permit and training requirements for ambulance attendants pursuant to the terms of this subchapter and State Department of Health.
(3) Acceptable proof that provider is licensed with the State Department of Health as an EMS provider.
(1998 Code, § 46-40) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)
Penalty, see § 35.99
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any ambulance vehicle upon the public streets, alleys or other public ways of the city unless such vehicle shall have lawfully affixed thereto a valid ambulance vehicle permit issued pursuant to the terms of this subchapter for all vehicles utilized, deployed, housed or stationed in the city.
(B) Each applicant for an ambulance vehicle permit shall submit application therefor upon such forms as may be prescribed by the permit officer, together with satisfactory proof of compliance with the requisites of Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Art. 4590b, and all other applicable state statutes.
(C) Each permit holder shall maintain a minimum of six permitted ambulances.
(1998 Code, § 46-41) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)
Penalty, see § 35.99
(A) Upon payment of the fee prescribed therefor, and after the applicant has complied with all provisions of this subchapter, the permit officer shall be authorized to issue the permit applicant a permit under this subchapter upon finding to his or her satisfaction and ascertaining that:
(1) The public convenience and necessity require the proposed ambulance service;
(2) Each ambulance and its required equipment meet acceptable standards set forth by applicable state statutes and this subchapter;
(3) The applicant demonstrates an acceptable standard of responsibility for conducting or for being employed in furnishing ambulance service; and
(4) Operating a service with an expired permit constitutes a violation of this subchapter.
(B) Permits issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be renewable on an annual basis upon the applicant’s compliance with all requirements of this subchapter, including payment of the fees required in this subchapter.
(1) Annual renewal applications may be submitted to the Department between December 1 and January 31 of each year.
(2) A company that fails to renew their permit before January 31 of each year shall have their permit declared vacant and the company removed from the transfer service rotation master list.
(3) Should more companies apply for a vacant service permit than available a lottery drawing shall be implemented.
(C) In the event of a vacancy during the permit period, the Permit Officer shall be authorized to issue a permit for the remainder of the year to another provider by advertisement for a two-week period and should more companies apply for the permit vacancy than available a lottery drawing shall be implemented.
(1998 Code, § 46-43) (Ord. 14-11, passed 5-21-2014; Ord. 2022-12, passed 7-6-2022)