Pursuant to and under the authority of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.7 (state bar edition) the chief of police is authorized to appoint volunteers, from time to time, to issue parking violation notices within the city of Taylorville, on public and private property, for violations of 625 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/11-1301.3 (state bar edition) or under this code dealing with parking privileges for persons with disabilities or handicaps; provided, however, the maximum number of volunteers at any one time shall not exceed six (6) volunteers and each prospective volunteer must first submit a written application to the chief of police, on a form approved by him from time to time, and such prospective volunteer must satisfy the qualifications set forth in section 6-6-3 of this chapter prior to such appointment. Each such appointed volunteer shall be known as a "disabled parking enforcement volunteer". The term of such appointment shall be at the pleasure of the chief of police who shall have the right to terminate the appointment of any disabled parking enforcement volunteer at any time and with or without any reason whatsoever. The chief of police shall inform the mayor, aldermen, city clerk, and treasurer as to the names of each disabled parking enforcement volunteer at the time of each such appointment from time to time. (Ord. 3094, 9-16-2002)