(A)   All subdivision lots shall abut on a public street.
   (B)   All public streets shall be built to the standards of this chapter and all other applicable standards of the town or the North Carolina Department of Transportation (when outside the town limits).
   (C)   Public streets not dedicated to the town which are eligible for acceptance into the State Highway System shall be constructed to the standards necessary to be put on the State Highway System or the standards in this chapter, whichever is stricter, in regard to each particular item, and shall be put on such system.
   (D)   Streets not dedicated to the town which are not eligible to be put on the State Highway System because there are too few lots or residences shall, nevertheless, be dedicated to the public and shall be in accordance with the standards in this chapter or the standards necessary to be put on the State Highway System, whichever is stricter in regard to each particular item, so as to be eligible to be put on the system at a later date.
   (E)   A written maintenance agreement with provisions for maintenance of the street until it is put on the State System shall be included with the final plat.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)