§§ 150.28 THROUGH 150.29 RESERVED.
Each subdivision shall contain the improvements specified in this article, which shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and paid for by the subdivider, unless other means of financing is specifically stated in this chapter. Land shall be dedicated and reserved in each subdivision as specified in this article. Each subdivision shall adhere to the minimum standards of design established by this article.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
For land located within the corporate limits of the town and at the discretion of the Town Commissioners when funds are available, the town may assist with the costs of street improvements (after approval of final grading), utilities and sidewalks. The subdivider is responsible for the remainder of the costs. For land lying outside the town limits and within the extraterritorial jurisdiction, the subdivider will bear all costs of improvements.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
(A) Land which has been determined by the Town Commissioners on the basis of engineering or other expert surveys to pose an ascertainable danger to life or property by reason of its unsuitability for the use proposed shall not be platted for that purpose, unless and until the subdivider has taken the necessary measures to correct said conditions and to eliminate said dangers.
(B) Areas that have been used for disposal of solid waste shall not be subdivided.
(C) All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)
The name of the subdivision shall not duplicate nor closely approximate the name of an existing subdivision within Alexander County.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00) Penalty, see § 150.53
(A) Blocks.
(1) The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated; zoning requirements; needs for vehicular and pedestrian circulation; control and safety of street traffic; limitations and opportunities of topography; and convenient access to water areas.
(2) Blocks shall be wide enough to allow two tiers of lots of minimum depth, except where fronting on major streets or prevented by topographic conditions, in which case a single tier of lots may be approved.
(3) Where deemed necessary by the Planning Board, a pedestrian crosswalk at least 15 feet in width may be required to provide convenient public access to a public area such as a park or school, to a water area, or to areas such as shopping centers, religious or transportation facilities.
(4) Block numbers shall conform to the county or town street numbering system, if applicable.
(B) Lots.
(1) All lots in new subdivisions shall conform to the zoning requirements of the district in which the subdivision is located. Conformance to zoning requirements means, among other things, that the smallest lot in the subdivision must meet all dimensional requirements of Chapter 151. It is not sufficient merely for the average lot to meet zoning requirements.
(2) Lots shall meet any applicable Alexander County Health Department requirements.
(3) Flag lots are discouraged, but may be permitted in unique circumstances with the approval of the Planning Board.
(4) Double frontage lots shall be avoided wherever possible.
(5) Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to or radial to street lines.
(C) Easements.
(1) Easements for underground or above ground utilities shall be provided, where necessary, across lots or centered on rear or side lot lines. Easements shall be at least 25 feet wide for water and sanitary sewer lines and as required by the companies involved, for telephone, gas and power lines. The Town Commissioners will determine whether one easement is sufficient or whether several easements are necessary to accommodate the various facilities, and the subdivider shall provide the required easements.
(2) Where a subdivision is traversed by a stream or drainage way, a drainage easement shall be provided conforming with the lines of such stream and of sufficient width as will be adequate for the purpose.
(Ord. 01-2000, passed 6-27-00)