339.01 Oversize or overweight vehicle operation on State routes; State permit; local roads; local permit.
339.02 Through truck routes.
339.03 Maximum width, height and length.
339.04 Route and load information.
339.05 Wheel protectors.
339.06 Vehicles transporting explosives.
339.07 Towing requirements.
339.08 Loads dropping or leaking; removal required; tracking mud.
339.09 Shifting load; loose loads.
339.10 Vehicles with spikes, lugs and chains.
339.11 Use of studded tires and chains.
339.12 Permit to haul dirt or excavation material.
339.13 Loaded vehicles restricted when pavement unsafe.
339.14 Doors on buses.
339.15 Operation or parking of vehicle in excess of prescribed weights on municipal parking lots.
339.16 Driving trucks in parks, parkways or boulevards.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Weighing vehicle; removal of excess load - see Ohio R.C. 4513.33
Arrest notice of driver - see Ohio R.C. 5577.14
Slower moving vehicles to be driven in right-hand lane - see
TRAF. 331.01(b)
(a) No person shall operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in Ohio R.C. 5577.01 to 5577.09, inclusive, or otherwise not in conformity with Ohio R.C. 4513.01 to 4513.37, inclusive, upon any State route within the Municipality, except pursuant to special written permit issued by the Ohio Director of Transportation, or upon any local truck route. Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer.
No holder of a permit issued by the Ohio Director of Transportation shall be required to obtain any local permit or license or pay any local fee or charge for movement on any State route within the Municipality; however, it shall be unlawful to operate any such vehicle or combination of vehicles upon any roadway within the Municipality which is not a State route, except as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
(ORC 4513.34; Adopting Ordinance)
(b) Upon application in writing and for good cause being shown therefor, the Chief of Police may issue a special permit in writing authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum specified in this section or otherwise not in conformity with the provisions of this Traffic Code upon any local street within the corporate limits of the City. Any such permit may be issued for a single or round trip or in special instances for a certain period of time.
(1) The application for any such permit shall be in such form as the Chief of Police may prescribe.
(2) The Chief of Police is authorized to issue or withhold such permit at his discretion; or, if such permit is issued, to limit or prescribe conditions of operation for such vehicle or vehicles, and may require such bond or other security as may be deemed necessary to compensate for damage to any roadway or road structure.
(3) Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any police officer of the City and no person shall violate any of the terms or conditions of such permit. (Adopting Ordinance)
(c) (1) No person shall violate the terms of a permit issued under this section that relate to gross load limits.
(2) No person shall violate the terms of a permit issued under this section that relate to axle load by more than 2000 pounds per axle or group of axles.
(3) No person shall violate the terms of a permit issued under this section that relate to an approved route except upon order of a law enforcement officer or authorized agent of the issuing authority.
(a) No operator of a heavy truck in traveling through the City from a point outside the City to a destination outside of the City shall operate such vehicle on any street or streets of the City other than the streets enumerated in subsection (c) hereof.
(b) The operator of heavy trucks traveling from a point outside of the City to a destination in the City shall proceed by the shortest route over any of the streets named in subsection (c) hereof to that point on one of such streets which is the nearest to the actual destination, before entering any street not named in subsection (c) hereof. The operator of a heavy truck traveling from a point within the City to a destination outside of the City shall proceed from his starting point over the most direct route to that point on any of the streets named in subsection (c) hereof which is the nearest to such starting point, and therefrom shall proceed over such enumerated streets until reaching his point of departure from the City.
(Ord. 86-80. Passed 12-1-80.)
(c) The following streets are designated for use by heavy trucks:
Alexis Road
Monroe Street east of U.S. Route 23
Brint Road
U.S. Route 23
Centennial Road
Sylvania Avenue
(Ord. 89-2006. Passed 9-6-06.)
(d) The Chief of Police is hereby empowered to make and enforce regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of this section pertaining to heavy trucks and shall place and maintain or cause to be placed and maintained legible and appropriate signs or markers along the streets named in subsection (c) to indicate that heavy trucks may be operated on such streets.
(e) No person shall operate or allow to be operated any heavy truck upon any street in the City other than a State route, except those local streets designated in subsection (c) hereof as a truck route and marked as such by appropriate traffic signs, and except when such operation is necessary to load or unload property, to go to or from the usual place of storage of such vehicle or to perform any other legitimate business or act other than passage through the City. Operators of vehicles so deviating from either a State route or a designated truck route within the City shall confine such deviation to that required in order to accomplish the purpose of the departure.
(Ord. 86-80. Passed 12-1-80.)
(f) Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor on a first offense; on a second offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree; on each subsequent offense within one year after the first offense, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.