The Boxing Commission shall make and may amend, alter or repeal such rules as it may deem necessary in the public interest to regulate and control the conditions and conduct of boxing exhibitions, and shall include therein the matters specified in Section 705.11 hereof. The Boxing Commission may suspend and/or fine any promoter, manager, second, boxer or any other person connected with boxing exhibitions pursuant to its rules. It shall be the duty of the Boxing Commission to enforce and see to the enforcement of its rules. The Commission's power shall include the right and duty to cooperate and affiliate with state, regional and national associations exercising disciplinary control over boxers, promoters and boxing officials.
(Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)
The Boxing Commission shall cause all rules promulgated by it to be printed and shall furnish a copy thereof to each promoter, organization or manager applying for a permit to conduct such exhibition. Copies of such rules shall also be available upon request of interested parties. (Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)
The rules adopted by the Boxing Commission shall prescribe definitely the qualifications and fees for promoter's permits; and shall further provide for the following:
(a) Supervision of tickets and passes to all licensed bouts or exhibitions;
(b) That emergency changes in any boxing program be approved by the Commission;
(c) That contestants in the final and semi-final bouts of any boxing exhibition be required to post forfeit bonds to insure meeting weight requirements, appearance in Sylvania, physical condition and faithful performance of contract;
(d) For complete and timely physical examination of contestants by a physician designated by the Commission;
(e) Shall prohibit promoters from handling or controlling any contestants in a bout or exhibition for which such promoter may be licensed;
(f) Shall provide for selection by the Commission only, of all officials connected in any capacity with any bout or exhibition;
(g) Shall provide that such officials be licensed and set the fees therefor;
(h) Shall prohibit and bar so-called "Battle-royals";
(i) Shall provide for forfeiting bond or withholding purse when "no contest" is declared by a referee;
(j) Shall provide that a referee shall not declare a "no contest" unless he has the immediate approval of the Boxing Commission.
(Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)
It is the intent of Council to prevent any monopoly of boxing exhibitions and the Boxing Commission herein created shall not by any rule or regulation, recommendation to the Mayor, or otherwise create, protect, preserve or foster any monopoly of boxing exhibitions in the City. (Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)
A physician shall be appointed by the Boxing Commission to be in attendance at ringside during all bouts and exhibitions and in the event that a contestant is knocked out, such physician shall be the first to examine him after the count of ten by the referee. Such physician's findings on such examination shall be reported in writing to the Commission.
(Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)