705.01 Boxing Commission created.
705.02 Appointment; term; vacancies.
705.03 Commission secretary.
705.04 Permit required for exhibition.
705.05 Amateur boxing.
705.06 Professional boxing.
705.07 Organization and meetings of Commission.
705.08 Limitation of financial interest.
705.09 Powers of Commission.
705.10 Rules to be printed.
705.11 Content of rules.
705.12 Monopoly prohibited.
705.13 Age limit.
705.14 Official boxing gloves.
705.15 Physician to attend exhibitions.
705.16 Promoters to post bond.
705.17 Revise rules periodically.
705.18 Duplicate tax report to be filed.
705.19 Physician's examination fee.
705.20 Appropriations by Council.
705.99 Penalty.
Prize fighting - see Ohio R.C. 3773.08 et seq.
Public boxing exhibitions - see Ohio R.C. 3773.09
Disorderly conduct; intoxication - see GEN. OFF. 509.03
Gambling- see GEN. OFF. Ch. 517
Cheating - see GEN. OFF. 517.05
The sole member of such Commission, who shall be known as the Boxing Commissioner, shall be appointed by the Mayor subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council for a two year term commencing January 1 of each even numbered year. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council for the unexpired term. Upon the effective date of this section the Mayor shall appoint the sole member to serve on such Commission from the effective date hereof to January 1, 1972. The Boxing Commissioner shall be vested with all power and authority vested in the Boxing Commission by this chapter and he shall discharge all of the duties enjoined upon such Commission.
(Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)
Applications for boxing exhibitions shall be made to the Boxing Commission. It shall be the duty of the Boxing Commission to make, or cause to be made, a thorough investigation of all such applications to determine the financial responsibility and general character of the applicants, the fitness of the prospective participants in the boxing exhibitions proposed and such other matters as may be pertinent to the granting of the application. The Boxing Commission shall report the results of its examination to the Mayor, with the recommendation whether each such application should be granted or not. The Mayor may grant such permits in accordance with State laws. Permits shall be issued in writing upon forms prescribed by the Boxing Commission. No boxing exhibition shall be held within the City unless authorized by such permit. (Ord. 39-70. Passed 8-3-70.)