Each person shall at all times, while engaged in the business of soliciting or canvassing in the village of Sugar Grove, carry and display (so as to be easily seen by any person) upon his or her person the registration certificate, and the same shall further be presented for additional review, by such registrant whenever he or she is required to do so by any police officer or by any person solicited. The solicitor identification certificate shall be in substantially the following form:
This is not an endorsement of Product.
Village Police Department
This registration is valid for 30 days from issuance.
Card must be displayed (so as to be easily seen by any person) and presented to any property owner or police officer.
Card may be revoked upon violation of any village ordinance or state law or regulation.
Hours of solicitation limited to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Canvassing or soliciting on Sundays and local, state and national holidays is prohibited.
(Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)
Any registration may be revoked by the village police department because of any violation by the registrant of this chapter or of any other ordinance of the village, or of the state or federal law, or whenever the registrant shall cease to possess the qualifications or character required by this chapter for the original registration. (Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)
No one shall act as a canvasser or solicitor, or shall sell at residences without the previous consent of the occupant for the purpose of soliciting or canvassing except between the hours of eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) P.M. Monday through Saturday. Canvassing or soliciting on Sundays and local, state and national holidays is prohibited. (Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)
A. Residents and other persons within the village shall be entitled to post a "No Solicitors", "No Solicitation", or other similar sign on the property which they own or occupy, where it is reasonably visible to individuals who may approach the house, apartment, building or other edifice near or on which the sign is posted, in order to notify any such individual that no solicitation, canvassing or peddling of any type is desired by the occupant without the occupant's prior approval.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether engaging in commercial or noncommercial canvassing, solicitation or other similar enterprise, to, when entering upon a premises which has a reasonably visible "No Solicitors" or other such similar sign, continue with the attempted canvassing or solicitation. Upon sight of such sign, the canvasser or solicitor must leave the premises. If such sign is reasonably visible, the canvasser or solicitor shall be presumed to have seen the sign and shall be in violation of this chapter if he or she attempts his or her canvassing or solicitation. (Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)
A. No person shall leave or deposit materials upon private property without the consent of the property owner in such a fashion so as to permit the materials to become waste, debris or refuse.
B. In the case of a single-family dwelling, canvassers, solicitors and peddlers shall only enter any property from the front yard and, unless invited by the resident of the premises, shall only knock, ring or otherwise attempt to contact the residents in the building at the front or main door to the dwelling.
C. For purposes of soliciting at multiple-family dwelling units, canvassers, solicitors and peddlers shall only enter any property from the front entrance to the dwelling unit complex and, unless invited by the specific resident of a specific unit, shall only knock, ring or otherwise attempt to contact the residents in the building at the front or main door of each such unit. (Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)
Sections 3-4-1 through 3-4-5 of this chapter shall not apply to charitable, religious or political canvassers or solicitors, or any other noncommercial canvassers or solicitors. Sections 3-4-6 through 3-4-8 of this chapter shall apply to all individuals undertaking any commercial or noncommercial canvassing or solicitation, with the exception that no part of this chapter shall apply to officers or employees of the village, county, state or federal governments, or any subdivision thereof, when on official business. (Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)