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11-1-1: Title
11-1-2: Purpose And Intent
11-1-3: Method In Which Purposes Are To Be Filled
11-1-1: TITLE:
This title shall be known, cited and referred to as the VILLAGE OF SUGAR GROVE ZONING ORDINANCE. (Ord. 2002-01-15B, 1-15-2002)
The village of Sugar Grove zoning ordinance (ordinance) is adopted with the purpose of protecting and promoting the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the people. This is to be accomplished by seeking to:
   A.   Establish districts with the mix of permitted uses necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of Sugar Grove's adopted comprehensive land use plan which promote a growing tax and employment base, while maintaining a balance between residential and nonresidential land uses.
   B.   Foster a rational pattern and relationship of land uses between residential, business, commercial, and industrial, for the mutual benefit of all, and prevent uses, buildings or structures that are incompatible with those of the surrounding area.
   C.   Provide for the regulation of, and elimination of nonconforming buildings, structures and uses that are incompatible with surrounding uses, and which may adversely affect the character and value of desired new development in each district.
   D.   Avoid undue concentrations of population or activity and prevent the overcrowding of land, thereby ensuring proper living and working conditions while preventing blight and slums, providing adequate standards for the provision of light, air, and open spaces.
   E.   Avoid hazards to persons and damage to property that can result from the inappropriate development of lands, and provide for adequate drainage, erosion control, and reduction of flood damage.
   F.   Provide and preserve open space according to the village's comprehensive land use plan to: meet the recreational needs of the residents of Sugar Grove; provide buffering between incompatible uses; and protect the natural environment.
   G.   Promote the establishment of a diversity of dwelling unit types, consistent with land classifications illustrated on the Sugar Grove land use map, to meet the needs of existing and future residents.
   H.   Allow development to occur according to densities and bulk regulations set forth in this title only in those instances when such uses foster rational development patterns and streets, water, sewerage, schools, and parks are provided, consistent with village requirements.
   I.   Provide convenient and safe access to individual properties, while maintaining the safety and operational efficiency of adjacent village streets.
   J.   Lessen congestion on the public streets that could result from expanding the residential and nonresidential land uses according to the intensities allowed by this title by requiring developers to: make appropriate improvements to existing streets; construct new streets according to standards set forth in the subdivision regulations; and assist in the construction of the collector roadways illustrated on Sugar Grove's comprehensive land use plan.
   K.   Provide for adequate off street parking and loading facilities for all residential and nonresidential properties, so as not to obstruct the travelway of parking lots, drive aisles or adjacent streets.
   L.   Promote the creation of unified planned developments, in which there is compatibility in architectural design, landscaping, signage and lighting.
   M.   Promote the visual softening of streets, parking lots, and other impervious surfaces by landscaping residential and nonresidential developments.
   N.   Require the preservation of sites, areas and structures of historical, architectural, cultural and aesthetic importance that are unique to Sugar Grove and the surrounding area.
   O.   Define the powers and duties of the administrative and enforcement officers and bodies. (Ord. 2002-01-15B, 1-15-2002)
In order to fulfill the statement of purpose and intent as expressed in section 11-1-2 of this chapter, conditions, regulations and requirements are hereinafter set forth in this title. They are intended to:
   A.   Divide the entire municipality into districts of such number, shape, area and of such different classifications (according to use of land and buildings, height and bulk of buildings, intensity of the use of the lot, area, area of open spaces, or other classification) as may be deemed best suited to carry out the purposes of this title.
   B.   Classify and regulate the location of agricultural, residential, municipal, commercial, commercial recreational, industrial, other uses within each individual district.
   C.   Establish a planned development process that allows mixed uses (residential and nonresidential) and flexibility in design, when determined appropriate to achieve the objectives set forth in this title and in Sugar Grove's adopted land use plan.
   D.   Establish low density and medium density residential districts, to ensure that a balance and diversity in housing product is achievable.
   E.   Prohibit uses, buildings or structures that would be incompatible with the intended character of each district.
   F.   Regulate the intensity of use on individual lots, by establishing standards that limit the height and bulk of buildings hereinafter to be erected.
   G.   Regulate the location of buildings and associated parking, loading or accessory structures that might be proposed within a floodplain, wetland, or other natural resource, according to applicable local, state and federal laws.
   H.   Classify high trip generating land uses as permitted special uses in those districts where vehicular access can safely be provided; the uses will not cause traffic congestion; and where such uses will be compatible with surrounding uses, both existing and planned.
   I.   Establish standards that regulate the number, size and design of off street parking and off street loading and provide safe lighting without glare and off site spillage.
   J.   Establish regulations for landscaping individual lots and planned developments. Require landscaping screening between nonresidential buildings or uses and adjacent residential and institutional uses, either existing or planned.
   K.   Promote those areas designated as environmental corridor on Sugar Grove's land use map, or sites and structures that are determined to be culturally significant, to be set aside as permanent, open space.
   L.   Establish standards for the dedication of land in a planned development as permanent open space or park.
   M.   Require architectural review for all residential and nonresidential buildings proposed as part of a planned development.
   N.   Establish regulations for landscaping public rights of way and individual lots.
   O.   Discourage additions to, and alterations of, existing buildings or structures that would not comply with the restrictions and limitations imposed herein.
   P.   Prescribe penalties for any violation of the provisions of this title, or of any amendment thereto. (Ord. 2002-01-15B, 1-15-2002)