The registrant shall give his or her complete identification, his or her signature, the name of his or her employer, the nature of the products or services in which he or she is interested, the names of the manufacturers of such products or of the organization which he or she is representing, and the proposed method of operation in the village. The form of registration shall be supplied by the office of the village police department, and shall be in substantially the following form:
   Canvasser or Solicitor
1.   Name of applicant:
2.   Address of applicant (home):
3.   Address of applicant (office):
4.   Employer's name:
5.   Employer's address:
6.   Products to be sold:
7.   Services to be rendered:
8.   Name of products:
9.   Method of solicitation:
Date:                                        , 20         .
Date of Application:
Date of Registration:
Date Registration Expires:
Registration No.
(Ord. 2006-06-06B, 6-6-2006)