“Pole trailer” means every trailer or semitrailer attached to the towing vehicle by means of a reach, pole or by being boomed or otherwise secured to the towing vehicle, and ordinarily used for transporting long or irregular shaped loads such as poles, pipes or structural members capable, generally, of sustaining themselves as beams between the supporting connections.
(ORC 4511.01(O))
“Predicate motor vehicle or traffic offense” means any of the following:
(a) A violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.03, 4511.051, 4511.12, 4511.132, 4511.16,
4511.20, 4511.201, 4511.21, 4511.211, 4511.213, 4511.22, 4511.23, 4511.25, 4511.26, 4511.27, 4511.28, 4511.29, 4511.30, 4511.31, 4511.32, 4511.33, 4511.34, 4511.35, 4511.36, 4511.37, 4511.38, 4511.39, 4511.40, 4511.41, 4511.42, 4511.43, 4511.431, 4511.432, 4511.44, 4511.441, 4511.451, 4511.452, 4511.46, 4511.47, 4511.48, 4511.481, 4511.49, 4511.50, 4511.511, 4511.522, 4511.53, 4511.54, 4511.55, 4511.56, 4511.57, 4511.58, 4511.59, 4511.60, 4511.61, 4511.64, 4511.66, 4511.661, 4511.68, 4511.70, 4511.701, 4511.71, 4511.711, 4511.712, 4511.713, 4511.72, 4511.73, 4511.763, 4511.771, 4511.78 or 4511.84;
(b) A violation of division (A)(2) of Ohio R.C. 4511.17, divisions (A) to (D) of Ohio R.C. 4511.51, or division (A) of Ohio R.C. 4511.74;
(c) A violation of any provision of Ohio R.C. 4511.01 to 4511.76 for which no penalty otherwise is provided in the section that contains the provision violated;
(d) A violation of Ohio R.C. 4511.214.
(e) A violation of a municipal ordinance that is substantially similar to any section or provision set forth or described in subsection (a) to (d) of this section.
(ORC 4511.01(III))
(a) "Private road or driveway" means every way or place in private ownership used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having express or implied permission from the owner but not by other persons.
(ORC 4511.01(DD))
(ORC 4511.01(DD))
(b) “Private road open to public travel” means a private toll road or road, including any adjacent sidewalks that generally run parallel to the road, within a shopping center, airport, sports arena, or other similar business or recreation facility that is privately owned but where the public is allowed to travel without access restrictions. “Private road open to public travel” includes a gated toll road but does not include a road within a private gated property where access is restricted at all times, a parking area, a driving aisle within a parking area, or a private grade crossing.
(ORC 4511.01(OOO))
(ORC 4511.01(OOO))
"Public safety vehicle" means any of the following:
(a) Ambulances, including private ambulance companies under contract to a municipal corporation, township or county and private ambulances and transport vehicles bearing license plates issued under Ohio R.C. 4503.49;
(b) Motor vehicles used by public law enforcement officers or other persons sworn to enforce the criminal and traffic laws of the State or the Municipality;
(c) Any motor vehicle when properly identified as required by the Ohio Director of Public Safety, when used in response to fire emergency calls or to provide emergency medical service to ill or injured persons, and when operated by a duly qualified person who is a member of a volunteer rescue service or a volunteer fire department, and who is on duty pursuant to the rules or directives of that service. The Ohio Fire Marshal shall be designated by the Ohio Director of Public Safety as the certifying agency for all public safety vehicles described in this subsection (c);
(d) Vehicles used by fire departments, including motor vehicles when used by volunteer fire fighters responding to emergency calls in the fire department service when identified as required by the Ohio Director of Public Safety.
Any vehicle used to transport or provide emergency medical service to an ill or injured person, when certified as a public safety vehicle, shall be considered a public safety vehicle when transporting an ill or injured person to a hospital regardless of whether such vehicle has already passed a hospital.
(ORC 4511.01(E))
(e) Vehicles used by the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Enforcement Unit for the enforcement of orders and rules of the Public Utilities Commission as specified in Ohio R.C. 5503.34.
"Residence district" means the territory, not comprising a business district, fronting on a street or highway, including the street or highway, where, for a distance of 300 feet or more, the frontage is improved with residences or residences and buildings in use for business.
(ORC 4511.01(OO))