(a) Fiscal Year. Unless by ordinance otherwise provided, the fiscal year shall be the same as established for municipalities by the general law of Ohio.
(b) Estimates. The Mayor with the assistance of the Director of Finance shall prepare and submit to Council not less than forty-five (45) days before the end of each fiscal year an estimate of revenue and expenditures for the succeeding fiscal year. The head of each department, board and commission shall submit to the Mayor the necessary information for such estimates. The estimate shall consist of: estimate of revenue from all sources and comparative statement for the current year and one preceding year; estimate of expenses of each department and activity of the Municipality and comparative statement for the current year and one preceding year; amount of debt and schedule of maturities outstanding bonds and notes; value of current inventory or supplies; and amount of unencumbered balance in each bond and improvement fund.
(May 2, 1989.)
(May 2, 1989.)
Council shall adopt an annual appropriation ordinance within ninety (90) days after the receipt of a Certificate of Resources from the County Auditor or from the beginning of the fiscal year, whichever shall last occur. Council may make one or more preliminary appropriations for current expenses until the annual appropriation ordinance is in effect.
The Council may transfer any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation of any fund allowed by law to any purpose or object for which the appropriation for the current year has proven insufficient, except that no transfer shall be of moneys raised or appropriated for the payment of any bond or note of the Municipality until all indebtedness, interest and other obligations which must lawfully be paid from such moneys have been paid.
No money shall be drawn from the treasury nor shall an obligation for expenditure be incurred except in accordance with appropriations made by Council. Claims shall be approved in writing by the head or acting head of the department for which the obligation was incurred.
(a) Each net expenditure exceeding the greater of the amount permitted to be expended without public bidding by the General Laws of Ohio or an amount established by the Ordinances of the City, shall be made pursuant to contract entered into with the lowest and best bidder after public advertising and receipt of bids in the manner provided by Ordinance. Each net expenditure not exceeding such amount may be expended without public bidding.
(Amended 11-4-08.)
(Amended 11-4-08.)
(b) The Council, by unanimous vote, may authorize expenditures of funds of the City exceeding the limitations established by the Charter without public bidding and advertising for the acquisition of real estate; for the discharge of non-contractual claims against the City; for personal services; for the joint use of facilities or exercise of powers with other political subdivisions; for the product or services of public utilities (including those municipally and publicly operated); in the case of a real and present emergency arising in connection with the operation and maintenance of a department, division, commission, bureau or board of the municipality, for work to be done or for the purchase of supplies or materials; or for expenditures without public bidding authorized by the General Laws of Ohio.
(Amended 11-4-80.)
(Amended 11-4-80.)
Public improvements of all kinds may be made by the appropriate department either by the direct appointment of the necessary labor and purchase of supplies and materials in the manner herein provided with a separate account as to each improvement so made, or by contract let as provided in Sections 4 or 5 of this Article of the Charter either for a closed price or upon a unit basis.