Final Plat Approval; Easements; Dedication; Building Permit
1228.01   Subdivision improvements required before final approval.
1228.02    Required submission and approval of plans and specifications.
1228.03    Approval when not all improvements installed.
1228.04    Approval of Planning Commission.
1228.05    Council approval of plat for record.
1228.06    Easements and street dedication; warning signs required.
1228.07    Council acceptance of dedication; title insurance.
1228.08    Conditions for issuance of building permit.
1228.09   Mandatory posting requirements of plats and plans.
         City Planning Commission - see CHTR. Art. IV, Sec. 6; P. & Z. Ch. 1210
         Plat and subdivision defined - see Ohio R.C. 711.001
         Original plats - see Ohio R.C. 711.01 et seq.
         Fee of designated public land to vest when plat recorded see Ohio R.C. 711.01, 711.07
         Cornerstones and permanent markers - see Ohio R.C. 711.03
         Plat acknowledgment and recording - see Ohio R.C. 711.06
         Vacating plats - see Ohio R.C. 711.17 et seq.