109.01   Recall petitions.
      General provisions - see CHTR. 19.02
      Number of signatures for petitions - see CHTR. 23.05
   (a)   The petition must contain the name of the elected official sought to be recalled, a general statement, in not more than two hundred words, of the grounds upon which the removal of such person is sought. The grounds must be a failure to originally or continuing to possess the qualifications of office, failure to take the required oath of office or give bond, conviction of a felony or crime involving some moral turpitude, adjudication of incompetency, inefficiency, dishonesty, immoral conduct, neglect of duty, acts of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, or conflict of interest, violation of his or her oath, persistent failure to abide by the rules of Council; or, absence without justifiable excuse from his duties as an elected official.
   (b)   The circulator of the petition shall announce to those whose signature is sought the purpose of the petition, such as “This is a petition to recall the [name of the elected official.]”
(Ord. 2001-201. Passed 10-29-01.)