1309.01 Board of Zoning and Building Appeal to act as Board of Building Code Appeals.
1309.02 Compensation.
1309.03 Powers.
1309.04 Meetings and records.
1309.05 Procedural rules and Chairman.
1309.06 Annual report.
1309.07 Right to appeal or hearing.
1309.08 Time, fee and notice of appeal.
1309.09 Action on appeals, hearings and reviews.
1309.10 Decisions.
1309.11 Variations and modifications.
1309.12 Compliance action by Commissioner.
1309.99 Interpretation of Chapter.
(a) The Board of Zoning and Building Appeal as established by Charter shall act as the Board of Building Code Appeals for all one, two and three family dwellings and perform all other functions authorized by Charter, Ohio Statutes, or the codified ordinances of the City of Streetsboro.
(b) As used in this Building Code or any technical code adopted herein, the term "Board of Building Code Appeals" means the Board of Zoning and Building Appeal.
(Ord. 1999-02. Passed 1-11-99.)