   A.   Residential: The Town, or its agent, shall collect, remove and dispose of all residential garbage, the removal of which is not otherwise provided for by the establishment or institution hereunder provided. All garbage and refuse shall be collected, removed and disposed of with such frequency and in such manner as the Town Council may from time to time establish by regulation.
   B.   Commercial, Residential Not Mixed: Commercial and residential garbage shall not be mixed in the same vehicle and transported to point of disposal. Commercial garbage disposal shall not be a normal function of the Town.
   C.   Hauling: Except as otherwise expressly permitted by this chapter, no garbage or refuse shall be moved or hauled away or transported upon the streets or public ways of the Town, except by the Town or its agent, and except by authorized persons hauling commercial garbage or refuse as hereinafter provided. It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person, except as permitted in this chapter, to haul or remove garbage or refuse in the Town.
   D.   Commercial Garbage: Commercial establishments, public or quasi-public, institutions and establishments creating commercial garbage, may remove commercial garbage themselves or may employ the services of authorized contractors to remove commercial garbage. Haulage of refuse must be done in the manner, at such times and in such vehicles as may be approved for such purposes as the Town Council may from time to time by regulation provide.
   E.   Charge Not Eliminated: Nothing in this section shall be construed as eliminating the charge made for garbage service. (2017 Code)
   A.   Required: All residents within the Town shall pay monthly garbage service charges in such amounts as specified in the comprehensive fee schedule.
   B.   Vacancies: If a dwelling unit or a place of business has remained vacant for an entire month, the owner or possessor of the site may make arrangements with the Town Clerk for no garbage collection charges during the continued vacancy of the premises.
   C.   Method Of Payment Of Service Charges: The garbage service charges imposed by this section shall be added to the charge made for water furnished through the water system of the Town, and shall be billed and collected in the same manner as water service charges are billed and collected. (2017 Code)
   A.   Placement: All garbage and refuse subject to garbage collection by the Town shall be placed at a pick up point at or near the premises designated from time to time by regulation adopted by the Town Council. The container must be placed by seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. on Thursday, the designated day of collection (holidays may cause the day to be adjusted from time to time, notification will be announced by notice contained within the water bill), and at such time or times as shall be designated by regulations of the Town Council. All garbage containers placed for collection must be at least four feet (4') apart from any other garbage container or other object. Any container placed too close may be denied collection.
   B.   Day Of Collection: Until otherwise provided by regulation, garbage and refuse must not be set out upon the street for collection any more than the prior evening of the day before collection and must be set out on the day of collection before the hour of collection designated by regulation of the Town Council. The container shall be placed at the edge of the street with the wheels of the container facing away from the street. The lid of the container must be completely closed. In cases of construction in the curbside area or in cases of other obstructions, the container shall be placed for collection in the nearest accessible point of access to the regular point of collection. The point of collection must be clear of trees, overhead wires, poles, mailboxes, cars and any other overhead obstruction or at grade obstruction (mailboxes and fences) which would prevent or interfere with the mechanical lifting mechanism from grasping, raising and emptying the container without the driver having to reposition the collection vehicle and allowing the driver to pull directly away to the next stop without backing the vehicle. The collector (service provider) will not collect any residential refuse which is not contained within the garbage container.
   C.   Removal Of Empty Receptacles: All empty receptacles must be removed from the street as soon as practicable after being emptied, and in every case, must be removed from the street the same day they are emptied. Receptacles shall not be permitted to remain on the street longer than may be necessary for the removal of the contents. (2017 Code; amd. Ord. 2022-01, 3-10-2022)
   A.   Accumulation Of Garbage Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to accumulate garbage or refuse, or cause garbage or refuse to be deposited upon any street or alley, or upon any premises in the Town, without express permission from the Town. The Town may permit the feeding or processing of garbage or refuse upon premises properly equipped and maintained so as to prevent the creation of a nuisance or a hazard to health, or permit the depositing of ashes and other dry material for filling purposes at such places as the Town may designate and under such restrictions as the Town Council may by regulation impose. Additionally, the Town may grant to any person permission for sorting, bailing and marketing trade waste upon premises properly equipped and maintained.
   B.   Containers: Approved garbage containers consist of ninety (90) to one hundred five (105) gallon containers designed specifically for automated collection, equipped with wheels for easy movement by Town users. All containers have permanently attached, tightfitting lids.
   C.   Closing Of Garbage Containers Required: All garbage and market waste must be placed in securely tied bags of such quality as to prevent waste from spilling or blowing out. All bags must be placed in approved containers and the container shall be tightly closed in such a manner as to prevent offensive odors or flies.
   D.   Disposal Of Community Waste: From time to time the Town may have a "Town clean up" and provide a location and receptacle for some small construction debris and green waste. The Town will provide a time and location for such events.
   E.   Burning Refuse Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to burn garbage, market waste, manure or other refuse or rubbish in the open air or in any furnace or stove within the Town.
   F.   Dumping Refuse Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to place, deposit or dump garbage, ashes, market waste, paper boxes, cartons, trade waste, manure or night soil, or any other refuse, upon any lot within the Town, whether such lot is occupied or vacant and whether such person so placing, depositing or dumping such refuse is the owner, tenant, occupant or lessor thereof, or has the same under his jurisdiction and control.
   G.   Limitations Upon Dumping: Dumping waste and garbage shall be permitted only in such places as are designated by the Town Council. Dumping shall be subject to such rules and regulations as may be formulated by the Town Council.
   H.   Regulations Adopted: The Town Council may adopt such regulations as in its opinion are necessary to implement this chapter and its objectives.
   I.   Authority:
      1.   Utah Code Annotated sections 10-8-84 and 10-3-702 provide that the Town may pass all ordinances and rules and make all regulations not repugnant to law necessary for carrying into effect or discharging the powers and duties conferred by State law any ordinance necessary and proper to provide for the safety and preserve the health and promote the prosperity of the Town and the inhabitants thereof; and
      2.   The Utah Solid Waste Management Act provides, among other things, that the Governing Body of a public entity may:
         a.   Regulate the collection, transportation and disposition of all solid waste within its jurisdiction;
         b.   Require that all such solid waste generated within its jurisdiction be delivered to a solid waste management facility;
         c.   Control the right to collect, transport and dispose of all solid waste generated within its jurisdiction. (2017 Code; amd. Ord. 2022-01, 3-10-2022)