The following words and phrases used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:
COMMERCIAL GARBAGE: Garbage produced in commercial establishments, public or quasi-public institutions or establishments, including restaurants, hotels, motels and similar establishments.
COMMUNITY WASTE: Lawn cuttings, clippings from bushes and shrubs, leaves and trees, and tree branches.
CONTAINER OR REGULATION CONTAINER: The automated refuse collection container provided by the Town of Stockton.
GARBAGE: Waste from the preparation, handling, storing, cooking or consumption of food and food products.
REFUSE: All waste matter, except garbage, attending or resulting from the occupancy of residences, apartments, hotels or other places of dwelling and from the operation of a business. "Refuse" shall not be deemed to include industrial waste or waste matter resulting from the construction, demolition or repair of a building or other structure.
RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE: Garbage produced in places of private residences and dining halls not open to the public. (2017 Code)