Surface Water Management General Provisions
152.01 Purpose
152.015 Findings
152.02 Scope
152.03 Definitions
152.04 Financial securities
152.05 Notification of failure of the storm water pollution control plan
Storm Water Pollution Control Plan
152.15 Approval of plan by city required
152.16 General policy on storm water runoff rates
152.17 Storm water pollution control plan
152.18 Storm water pollution control plan criteria
152.19 Minimum storm water pollution control measures and related inspections
152.20 Permanent storm water pollution controls
152.21 Minimum design standards for storm water treatment practices
152.22 Protection for natural wetlands
152.23 Models/methodologies/computations
152.24 Variance
Administration and Enforcement
152.40 Review
152.41 Modification of plan
152.42 Enforcement
152.43 Right of entry and inspection
Storm Water Utility and Drainage Fees
152.70 Storm water utility establishment
152.71 Definitions
152.72 Storm water utility drainage fees
152.73 Storm water utility rate
152.74 Exemptions
152.75 Other land usage
152.76 Credits
152.77 Billing and payment
152.78 Establishment of fund
Illicit Discharge and Connection to the City’s Stormwater System
152.80 Purpose and intent
152.81 Definitions
152.82 Applicability
152.83 Responsibility for administration
152.84 Ultimate responsibility
152.85 Discharge prohibitions
152.86 Suspension of MS4 access
152.87 Industrial or construction activity discharges
152.88 Monitoring of discharges
152.89 Requirement to prevent, control and reduce stormwater pollutants by the use of best management practices
152.90 Watercourse protection
152.91 Notification of spills
152.92 Notice of violation
152.93 Appeal of notice of violation
152.94 Enforcement after appeal
152.95 Cost of abatement of the violation/assessment
152.96 Legal action
152.97 Violations deemed a public nuisance
152.99 Penalty