Plans must follow the requirements stated within the city’s Engineering Guidelines. The plan must address the following:
   (A)   Stabilizing all exposed soils and soil stockpiles and the related time frame or schedule.
   (B)   Establishing permanent vegetation and the related time frame or schedule.
   (C)   Preventing sediment damage to adjacent properties and other designated areas such as streams, wetlands, lakes and unique vegetation (e.g., oak groves, rare and endangered species habitats.)
   (D)   Scheduling for erosion and sediment control practices.
   (E)   Where permanent and temporary sedimentation basins will be located.
   (F)   Engineering the construction and stabilization of steep slopes.
   (G)   Measures that will control the quality and quantity of storm water leaving a site.
   (H)   Stabilizing all waterways and outlets.
   (I)   Protecting storm sewers from the entrance of sediment.
   (J)   What precautions will be taken to contain sediment when working in or crossing water bodies
   (K)   Restabilizing utility construction areas as soon as possible.
   (L)   Protecting paved roads from sediment and mud brought in from access routes.
   (M) Disposing of temporary erosion and sediment control measures.
   (N)   How the temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control practices will be maintained.
   (O)   How collected sediment and floating debris will be disposed of.
   (P)   Modification of plan. The applicant must amend the erosion and sediment control plan as necessary to include additional requirements such as additional or modified best management practices designed to correct problems identified or address situations wherever:
      (1)   A change in design, construction, operation, maintenance, weather, or seasonal conditions that has a significant effect on the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters.
      (2)   Inspections indicate the plan is not effective in eliminating or significantly minimizing the discharge of pollutants to surface waters or underground waters or that the discharges are causing water quality standard exceedances.
      (3)   The plan is not achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants or is not consistent with the terms and conditions of this permit.
(Ord. 128, passed 2-8-00; Am. Ord. 1501, passed 1-27-15)