Before any building construction in the city is begun, pursuant to a permit therefor, a deposit of $100 shall be made to the city clerk for the purpose of insuring that all waste, debris, and any and all other extraneous material, relating to the building or any other item mentioned in the plans and specifications filed with the application for the permit, are removed from the site within a reasonable time after the project has been completed, or to remove them if for any reason the project is unduly delayed or abandoned prior to completion. This deposit is also to insure that all provisions and requirements of the building permit have been fully complied with in all respects. In the event all waste, debris, and other extraneous material have been removed and all provisions and requirements of the permit have been met, the deposit of $100 shall be refunded to the individual or firm making the deposit. Failure to comply with these provisions, or any of them, shall constitute grounds for forfeiture of the deposit, in addition to the fines as provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 2, passed 1-8-74) Penalty, see § 152.99 (A)