(a)   Compliance to Regulations and Signs Required. It shall be the responsibility of any individual entering the bikeway to be aware of and obey all rules and regulations. Failure to comply with those rules, posted or not, may result in the issuance of a citation, expulsion from the bikeway and/or arrest.
   (b)   Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages Prohibited.
      (1)   No person shall possess or consume any intoxicating liquor, wine or beer while on the bikeway.
      (2)   No person shall use or possess, smoke, drink, have injected into one's self or otherwise use or possess any type of illegal drug, opiate, hallucinogen, or related paraphernalia while on the bikeway.
   (c)   Defacement, Damaging, Destruction of Bikeway Property. No person shall injure, deface, destroy, disturb or remove any part of the bikeway or its structures, be it naturally occurring or manmade. No person shall damage, destroy, disturb or alter any rock, mineral, vegetation or its fruit or seed.
   (d)   Releasing Plants and Animals on Prohibited. No person shall release any vegetation or animal onto the bikeway.
   (e)   Dumping of Sewage and Noxious Material. No person shall, either within or adjacent to the bikeway, place or permit to be placed into the air, any stream, ditch or drain that flows into or through it, any noxious or deleterious material which may render it or the land harmful or inimical to public health, or to animal, vegetation or aquatic life, or which may prevent, limit or interfere with the use of such waters for domestic, industrial or agricultural purposes, or which may lessen to an unreasonable degree the use and enjoyment of such waters for bikeway use.
   (f)   Fireworks, Firearms, Explosives, Bows, Arrows, Dangerous Weapons.
      (1)   No person, except rangers or other law enforcement officers, shall carry or have available to him, firearms of any description, air or gas gun, sling shot, or missile throwing device on the bikeway, or discharge any firearm, fireworks, explosive substances, air or gas gun; or
      (2)   Release an arrow from a bow, crossbow or longbow on the bikeway other than in areas designated; or
      (3)   Have or carry a switchblade, hunting knife, dagger, metal knuckles, sling shot or other dangerous weapon concealed on or about his or her person while on the bikeway.
   (g)   Advertising and Signs. No person shall expose, distribute or place any sign, advertisement circular, emblem or design on the bikeway.
   (h)   Compliance With Orders of Law Enforcement Officers or Authorized City Personnel. No person shall fail to obey or refuse to comply with any reasonable order relating to the regulation, direction or control of traffic, or to any other order lawfully given by any Police Officer or authorized City personnel acting under the authority of the City and the Department of Parks and Recreation.
   (i)   Indecent Conduct, Exposure and Solicitation.
      (1)   No person shall appear on the bikeway in a state of nudity, or perform or engage in masturbation, sexual contact or conduct, or simulated sexual conduct, nor make any indecent exposure of his or her person; or
      (2)   Solicit another to engage in sexual activity for hire; or
      (3)   Solicit another to commit, perform, or engage in any lewd, lascivious, obscene or indecent act or behavior.
   (j)   Disorderly Behavior. No person shall:
      (1)   Utter any profane, obscene, or abusive language or ethnic slur while on the bikeway;
      (2)   Play any game(s) of chance for monetary or material gain within the confines of the bikeway;
      (3)   Play any radio, stereo, tape player, etc. at a volume that can be heard by other than said equipment owner. Toy siren and other noise-making devices are not permitted.
   (k)   Encroachment. No person shall:
      (1)   Willingly encroach upon privately-owned lands or those owned by the City and not designated as part of the bikeway.
      (2)   Trespass from City property onto private property. Leaving trail boundaries constitutes illegal trespassing subject to prosecution by the City and/or private property owners.
      (3)   Adversely affect or interfere with an adjacent landowner's right to privacy.
   (l)   Pets. No person shall:
      (1)   Fail to clean up and place in a rubbish receptacle any excrement left by their pet.
      (2)   Wash any domestic dog or cat at a water fountain, pump or pond.
      (3)   Bring onto the bikeway any domestic dog or cat unless she/he has proof of current rabies inoculation for the animal and a collar or license bearing owner's name and address is attached to the animal.
      (4)   Leave a domestic dog or cat unattended, which includes a dog or cat properly leashed but not properly controlled by its owner.
      (5)   Bring onto the bikeway any domestic dog or cat unless she/he has it properly leashed so as to keep it safe from other bikeway users.
      (6)   Any person bringing a pet onto the bikeway shall be required to carry and have available at all times, a plastic bag to clean up excrement of the pet. Bikeway users are, upon request of any police officer, or any other City official and/or employee, required to immediately produce a plastic bag available for such use.
   Failure to have such bag available and/or cleaning up after the pet shall be cause for removal from the bikeway.
   Any second or subsequent offense shall be cause for permanent removal from the bikeway and/or prosecution under Section 375.99.
   (m)   Off-trail Use Prohibited. No person shall be permitted off the posted trails where specific areas have been designated for ecological, archaeological, rehabilitation or restoration protection.
   (n)   Fires.
      (1)   No person shall kindle, build, maintain, or use a fire on the bikeway.
      (2)   No person shall throw away or discard any match, cigarette, cigar, embers or other burning object which has not been entirely extinguished before being thrown away or discarded in receptacles or areas provided.
      (3)   No portable stoves or grills shall be permitted on the bikeway.
   (o)   Litter, Dumping, Importing, Refuse. No person shall:
      (1)   Regardless of intent, throw, drop, discard, place or deposit litter, trash, rubbish, garbage or any other form of refuse in or on any City owned lands, except in a receptacle designated for that purpose.
      (2)   Bring into, import, leave behind or dump any material of any kind in a receptacle or upon any area, except personal possession refuse carried onto the trail by any person.
   (p)   Hunting, Fishing, and Molesting of Animals. No person shall:
      (1)   Within the confines of the bikeway, hunt, pursue with animals, electric or mechanical devices, trap or in any other way molest any bird or animal.
   (q)   Repelling, Rock, Climbing, Throwing Objects. No person shall:
      (1)   Participate in any type of rock climbing, rope climbing or repelling from any cliff or outcropping on the bikeway, including but not limited to the bikeway tunnel and bikeway trestle bridge.
      (2)   Throw, toss, drop or propel or cause, directly or indirectly, the throwing, tossing, dropping or propelling of any object over or off of any precipice, bridge, tunnel or other similar structure or natural formation.
         (Ord. 98-6. Passed 3-2-98; Ord. 99-24. Passed 6-21-99.)