Section 6. Unclassified Personnel.
   The following are unclassified personnel:
   All officers elected by the people;
   The Clerk of Council;
   The Service, Safety and Finance Directors;
   Members of Boards, Commissions, agencies and authorities appointed by the Mayor and by this Charter;
   One personal secretary to the Mayor; one clerk each to the Director of Finance, the Director of Law, the Service Director, and the Safety Director - each of these positions to be filled only if required;
   Employees of exceptional professional or scientific qualifications engaged as consultants;
   Secretary of each Board and Commission established by this Charter or Council, provided that if such secretary holds other employment within the classified service of the City, this section shall not exempt such person from the requirement of competitive examination to hold other such employment;
   Temporary employees who are not employed for more than ninety (90) continuous days or for more than ninety (90) work days in one year;
   Unskilled laborers as defined and authorized by Council;
   Federal or State of Ohio financially assisted employees acquired for the City through the County government or otherwise.
   Additional positions created by Council shall be under the classified service unless the ordinance or resolution creating the position states otherwise.
(Amended 11-8-94)