General Provisions
110.01 Authority to issue licenses and permits
110.02 Licensing required
110.03 Term of license or permit
110.04 License and permit fees
110.05 Revocation or suspension of license or permit
110.06 Reinstatement after suspension or revocation
110.07 Application of general conditions to other chapters
110.08 Adoption of state statutes by reference
Special Conditions to Sell and Trade
110.20 Eating and drinking establishments
110.21 Establishments, trades and devices requiring license
The provisions of state statutes with reference to the definition of terms, applications, granting of licenses or permits, conditions, hours of work and operation and all other matters pertaining to the authority to issue or to refrain from issuing any license or permit are hereby adopted and made a part of this section as if fully set out herein, except as modified herein.
(1994 Code, § 8-1.1)
No person or firm shall deal in, dispose of or engage in trade in any business or in regard to any commodity or service which is listed hereinafter in this title without first having applied for and received a license or permit, having paid the stated fee for said license or permit and having said license or permit displayed as required by this title or other law.
(1994 Code, § 8-1.2) Penalty, see § 10.99