For the purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
(a) "County Health Officer" means the County Health Officer of Monongalia County.
(b) "Private scavenger" means one who for hire, collects, removes or disposes of refuse.
(c) "Refuse" means all sweepings, cleanings, trash, rubbish, litter, garbage, industrial or domestic wastes; organic wastes or residue of animals so ld as meat, fruit or other vegetables; offal, animal excreta, the carcasses of animals, tree or shrub trimmings, grass clippings, dirt, wood, stone, brick, plaster or materials resulting from the demolition, alteration or construction of buildings or structures, accumulated waste materials or substances which may become nuisances, some of which are more particularly classified as follows:
(1) "Prepared garbage" means waste material from kitchens, dining rooms and similar places, from which liquids have been drained and solid matter wrapped in paper.
(2) "Raw garbage" means swill not prepared as in subsection (c)(1) hereof.
(3) "Trash" means waste material containing no putrid matter or organic wastes.
(4) "Ashes" means residue resulting from the combustion of coal, coke or wood, in domestic, industrial or commercial stoves, furnaces or boilers.
(d) "Refuse containers." The trash and garbage containers referred to in this article shall meet the following specifications:
(1) Trash and Garbage containers. Standard containers for the storage of garbage and trash shall be substantially made of metal or plastic material, shall be leakproof and watertight with a tight fitting cover, shall have a capacity not to exceed thitty-two gallons, shall weigh no more than thirty pounds and shall be equipped with at least two carrying handles if over twenty gallons capacity, but if less than twenty gallons capacity then a single bail handle shall be sufficient.
(2) Dumpster. A container that has a hooking mechanism that permits it to be raised and dumped into a sanitation truck.
(3) Garbage/trash bag. A disposable bag used to line the insides of waste containers to prevent the insides of the receptacle from becoming coated in waste material. Most bags are made out of plastic, are typically green or black in color and provide some means of closing and securing the open end. Only properly closed and secured bags, weighing no more than thirty (30) pounds may be placed at the curbside for collection. Said bags must be placed in an animal proof container, at the curb, while awaiting collection.
The Mayor or other proper officer of the Sanitation Department may authorize or direct the use of such other or special containers as the circumstances of any particular situation may require.
(e) "Refuse disposal" means the disposition of refuse in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Mayor with the approval of Council.
(f) "Refuse removal" means the hauling and transportation of refuse from point of collection to point of disposal.
(g) "Accessibility of refuse containers" means all persons using the essential services provided for in this article within the City shall make all refuse (solid waste) containers available immediately adjacent to the road surface and accessible to the collectors between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise directed by the Sanitation Superintendent, by 5:00 a.m. on the scheduled day of collection for the particular area in which such users reside (rear yard or other special pick-up areas will be serviced at no additional cost for handicapped, elderly or others who can not transport their refuse containers to the area immediately adjacent to the road surface). It shall be the duty of all users of such essential services to ascertain the collection schedules for the area in which they reside and if any such user of such services shall fail to make his refuse (solid waste) containers available as herein required the collectors shall refuse to make such collection and such refusal shall not constitute a failure of collection; provided, however, that where no facilities are or can be made available for the placing of garbage containers in the area immediately adjacent to the road surface at the curb, or where for any other reason it appears impossible or impracticable for such user of such service to comply with the provision of this section, then in any of such events any such user may apply to the Sanitation Superintendent for permission to be exempt from the provisions of this section and upon investigation by the Sanitation Superintendent it appearing proper to do so, the Superintendent may issue a certificate of exemption from the provision of this section. Any user of such service who shall be aggrieved by a decision of the Superintendent with regard thereto may appeal such decision in writing to Council within thirty days from and after the date of the decision of such Superintendent. Council shall fix a time for the hearing of such appeal and after due notice to all parties in interest shall hear such appeal at a public hearing at the regular meeting of Council and the decision of Council thereon shall be final.
(h) "Living Unit" shall be defined as a single-family residence, an apartment, a mobile home, or any other single-family residential unit.
(Passed 6-21-16.)