(a)    The Code Enforcement Agency Official shall conduct inspections of structures on the vacant property registry, and, to the extent feasible shall take such reasonable steps to ensure the structure
      (1)    Is being kept weather tight and secure from trespassers,
      (2)    Provides for safe entry to police officers and firefighters in times of emergency,
      (3)    Does not impede private and/ or public efforts to rehabilitate or maintain surrounding properties; and
      (4)    Otherwise does not present a public hazard. Inspections shall occur at the time of registration and at least annually. For the purposes of this article, an inspection may be, at the discretion of the Code Enforcement Agency Official, a visual inspection of the exterior of the vacant structure.
   (b)    Entrance upon property and into structures for the purpose of conducting inspections shall be made in a manner that minimizes inconvenience to any person in possession of the property or its owner.
   (c)    If a property owner or the person in possession of a property or structure refuses to consent to and schedule inspection, the City shall seek a search warrant from a court of competent jurisdiction, which shall include the City's municipal court, to authorize inspection for determining whether a vacant structure is:
      (1)    Uninhabitable;
      (2)    Safe for entry by fire fighters and police officers in time of emergency; and
      (3)    A hazard to the public.
         (Ord. 2020-13. Passed 12-7-20.)