5-601 Short title
5-602 Purpose
5-603 Findings
5-604 Authority
5-605 Definitions
5-606 Capital improvements plan
5-607 Tax levy
5-608 Probation of issuance of building permit or certificate of occupancy
5-609 Collection of tax
5-610 Use and segregation of tax funds
5-611 New tax levy
5-612 Exemptions from tax
5-613 Protest of tax
5-614 Additional authority
5-615 Non-repealer
This chapter is intended to assure the provision of adequate park, road, police, fire, safety, sanitation, sewer and water facilities to serve new development in the city by requiring each new development to pay a tax proportionate to the need for new facilities created by such development, the proceeds of which shall be used exclusively to fund capital improvements made necessary by new growth.
(2011 Code, § 5-602)