1203.02 STREETS.
   (a)   Pattern. The pattern of streets shall conform to the Thoroughfare Plan of either the City or the County and with the provisions of these regulations. Within the boundaries of the plat, the following provisions pertaining to streets shall be adhered to:
      (1)   The necessary right-of-way for widening or extension of all existing thoroughfares and for proposed thoroughfares as indicated by the Thoroughfare Plan involved, when the right-of-way width as proposed by the Thoroughfare Plan is fixed and documented, shall be dedicated provided the width to be dedicated need not exceed fifty (50) feet measured from the centerline of the right-of-way.
      (2)   When a subdivision involves land fronting on an existing county or township road not designated on the Thoroughfare Plan as of equal or greater importance than a secondary street, a reasonable provision shall be made for the necessary right-of-way for traffic, utilities and drainage.
      (3)   When, in the opinion of the Planning Board, one or more streets serving a multi-family development act as traffic collectors, they shall conform to the standards for a collector street as designated in Section 1211.02, Table 2.
   (b)   Continuity. The street pattern shall make provisions for the continuance of streets into adjacent vacant properties, and for the connection to the proper existing right-of-way in adjacent developed areas. Using the end width of an existing street as frontage shall, therefore, be prohibited.
   (c)   Cul-de-Sac. The maximum length of a cul-de-sac shall be five hundred (500) feet measured from the middle of the turnaround or more particularly the point of radius to the near edge of the intersecting right-of-way with the following exceptions for subdivisions located in single-family zoning districts:
      (1)   When all lots fronting upon the cul-de-sac have at least 8712 square feet of lot area, a cul-de-sac having a length of not more than 700 feet may be permitted provided Sections 1203.01(a) and 1203.02(b) are not.
      (2)   When all lots fronting upon the cul-de-sac have at least 15,000 square feet of lot area and when all such lots except those having at least 80 percent of their frontage on the turnaround, having one hundred (100) feet or more of frontage, a cul-de-sac having a length of not more than 900 feet may be permitted; provided Sections 1203.01(a) and 1203.02(b) are not violated. Within the turnaround, the minimum right-of-way radius shall be fifty (50) feet. The street surface requirements for dead-end streets shall be as set forth in Section 1211.02(a)(3).
   (d)   Half or Partial Streets and Alleys. Dedication of half-streets shall be discouraged. Where a half-street or half-alley exists adjacent to the tract to be subdivided, the other half-street shall be platted if deemed necessary by the Planning Board. The improvements on half-streets shall be as set forth in Section 1211.01(d).
   (e)   Intersections. Streets shall intersect one another at ninety (90) degrees or as near to ninety (90) degrees as possible. The curb radius requirements are set forth in Section 1211.02(a)(2). The property lines shall be rounded with a radius of fifteen (15) feet or greater if the City Engineer deems it necessary.
   (f)   Jogs. Street intersection jogs of less than one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet measured from street centerline to street centerline shall be discouraged.
   (g)   Approaches. The approach to an intersection shall be perpendicular or as close to right angles as possible to the intersecting street for a distance of at least fifty (50) feet measured from the closer right-of-way line of the intersecting street for minor streets and one hundred (100) feet measured from the closer right-of-way line of the intersecting street for all other streets. Whenever a street intersects another street on a curve, the Director shall determine if it is an acceptable intersection.
   (h)   Names. The names of new streets shall not duplicate existing street names, except where a street is extended, or when the new right-of-way is in alignment with an existing one. All new streets shall be named as follows:
General Direction
North and South
East and West
Dead-end (North and South)
Dead-end (East and West)
Circular street or any part thereof
   (g)   Width. The width of a street shall be as specified in Section 1201.11(s)(2).