Every proposed residential subdivision shall conform to a neighborhood-type urban pattern. The specific area plan together with the Comprehensive Master Plan for the City of Springfield and Clark County, shall be adhered to if, as, and when adopted.
(a) Drainage. The subdivider shall provide the necessary means to assure proper drainage as determined by the City Engineer.
(b) Drainage Easements or Rights-of-Way. A utility easement shall be provided on both sides of a storm drainage closed system or open course, for the purpose of replacing, widening, deepening, or general maintenance. The minimum width of a utility easement carrying storm water shall be twenty (20) feet. In the case of large drainage ways, or ditches, the Service Director or Planning Board may require a drainage right-of-way if a utility easement is deemed inadequate and/or too much of the lot would be utilized for drainage purposes.
(c) Major Drainage Areas. Subdivisions located in major drainage areas shall be improved so as to render the area substantially safe for the desired use.