(a)   New Streets. All new streets shall be paved to a minimum width as specified in Section 1211.02, Table 2, provided that in case of a street shown on the Thoroughfare Plan, such requirement shall be modified as follows:
      (1)   If the Planning Board has approved a street and lot arrangement in which all lots back onto a major thoroughfare or the lots front on a parallel service street, the subdivider shall not be required to provide street improvements on the major thoroughfare unless considered necessary by the City Engineer for adequate access to the plat.
      (2)   In Utility Transition Areas where lots are platted in pairs as specified in Section 1203.03(d), the required improvements with the exception of sanitary sewer and water lines shall be as is required of lots which are comparable in size to half of a Utility Transition lot unless sidewalks are waived by the Director.
         (Ord. 23-159. Passed 5-23-23.)
   (b)   Existing Street. When land is being subdivided within the City and along an existing street, the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer are responsible only for additional width of pavement which is reasonably anticipated to be necessary as a result of his subdivision and its development and use. However, the maximum required width of pavement for which the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer are responsible need not exceed twenty (20) feet.
   (c)   Dead-End Streets. Where streets are extended to the boundary of the plat to provide accessibility to the future development in adjacent land, the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer must provide a temporary "T" turnaround.
   (d)   Half-Streets. Where permitted, the initial improvement shall be such that the pavement will be installed to a point two (2) feet beyond the crown. Curb, gutter, and sidewalks, when required, shall be required only on one side of the right-of-way.
   (e)   Curb, Gutter, and Storm Drainage Within the City Limits. Curb, gutter, and storm drainage shall be required in all subdivisions within the City limits except as noted in Table 2. However, where curb and gutter requirements are waived, all drainage ditches and swales shall be sodded with blue grass and fescue.
   (f)   Sidewalks Within the City Limits.
      (1)   Sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the right-of-way in all subdivisions located in single-family residential zoning districts where lot frontage averages less than one hundred (100) feet. In subdivisions to be occupied, in whole or in part by multi-family dwellings, sidewalks shall be required on both sides of the street, unless the Director determines that such requirement is unnecessary. Consideration shall be given to the lot size and type of improvements in the surrounding area as well as the size of the proposed subdivision.
      (2)   Where lot frontages for single-family houses average more than one hundred (100) feet, a sidewalk shall be required on one side of minor residential streets and on both sides of collector and major streets. The Director may waive the requirements of this paragraph if the lots average 15,000 square feet or more in area. Consideration shall be given to the lot size and type of improvements in the surrounding area as well as the size of the proposed subdivision.
      (3)   Sidewalks are required to be constructed where they are essential to pedestrian traffic circulation or as access to schools, playgrounds shopping centers, transportation depots, or other facilities. The lot size and topography of the surrounding area may be taken into consideration as it pertains to the sidewalk requirement.
      (4)   Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet wide except in areas including or adjacent to schools, shopping centers or other high pedestrian traffic generators. In these areas, sidewalk width shall be determined by the Director.
         (Ord. 23-159. Passed 5-23-23.)
   (g)   Drainage. The subdivider shall construct or install the necessary ditches or closed sewers to drain the property in question completely and to dispose of the storm water to the satisfaction of the Director. When a public storm sewer is accessible as determined by the Director, the developer shall connect with the public system. Storm drainage shall not be allowed to empty into sanitary sewers. In Utility Transition Areas where lots are platted as specified in Chapter 1207, the required improvements with the exception of water and sanitary sewer lines shall be as is required of lots which are comparable in size to half of a Utility Transition lot unless sidewalks are waived.
   (h)   Water and Sanitary Sewer Lines. All divisions of land within the corporate limits of Springfield shall be served by water and sanitary sewer lines unless a subdivision is located in an area where the topography is such that future sanitary sewer and/or water lines in the areas would be improbable as determined by the Service Department.
(Ord. 23-159. Passed 5-23-23.)
   (i)   Water and Sanitary Requirements in a Potential Urban Area.
      (1)   Proposed or existing lots that utilize sewer and water shall not be counted as being part of the Potential Urban Area. Any such lot having at least 250 feet of continuous frontage on a public road and one and one-half acres or more of land area shall not be counted as part of a Potential Urban Area regardless of the utilization of utilities.
      (2)   Where a subdivision is proposed in an Urban Area or an Utility Transition Area the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer shall provide or assure sanitary sewer and water facilities by one of the following methods:
         (A)   In Urban Areas:
            (i)   By installing the necessary lines and connecting them with public sewer and water systems, or
            (ii)   By installing such lines along with a district community water supply and sewer system. The water supply and sewage disposal systems must meet the requirements of the County Sanitary Engineer, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Director.
         (B)   In Utility Transition Areas where sanitary sewer and water lines are not available, the developer of a proposed subdivision shall provide or assure said utility facilities by one of the following methods:
            (i)   By installing necessary lines and creating a temporary water supply and sewage treatment facilities, which must meet the requirements of the Community Development Department, the Clark County Combined Health District, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
            (ii)   By requiring the home builders to install temporary wells and septic tanks.
            (iii)   By platting and selling lots in the manner set forth in Chapter 1207, and complying with the other requirements of the Utility Transition Area or by platting lots of the size or manner as indicated in Section 1203.03, Table 1, Column C.
         (C)   Soil evaluations are required for all new subdivisions (platted or unplatted) not served by a public or community sewer. Said evaluations shall be conducted by the Clark County Combined Health District in cooperation with the subdivider and by either a sanitarian, registered surveyor, or civil or sanitary engineer representing the subdivider, and shall be done in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Clark County Combined Health District. Approval by the Clark County Combined Health District is required before the Phase I subdivision is approved by the Planning Board; however, a conditional approval, subject to approval by the Clark County Combined Health District, may be granted on the Phase I Plan if Clark County Combined Health District approval has not been received by meeting time. Before further subdividing of lands within a potential Urban Area is permitted, the subdivider or the subdivider’s developer shall submit a scale drawing showing his intentions concerning the remainder of lands under his control. The staff shall review the drawing and submit it to the Planning Board to determine if the land in question
   (j)   RESERVED
   (k)   Waiver of Requirement. The Planning Board may waive sewer or water requirements, or both, if they find:
      (1)   That the topography is such that the extension of water and sanitary sewer lines in the area is economically not feasible or the cost of providing community facilities is such as to prohibit the subdivision of the area; or
      (2)   That the plat is not in the path of urban growth, and is distantly located from any developed areas; or
      (3)   That the plat is located in the near proximity to utility facilities and that said facilities are not available because of government action.
   (l)   Fence. When a development is planned adjacent to a large drainage ditch or waterway, a fence shall be required along the drainage right-of-way. The City Commission may waive said fence requirements if it finds that no substantial hazard would result therefrom.
   (m)   Permanent Monuments. Permanent monuments shall be located as required by the Director and/or the Planning Board. The number of monuments required shall not be less than specified in the Ohio Revised Code Section 711.03, which states that ten lots or less requires four (4) monuments. Over ten lots requires a number deemed necessary to properly control the survey and that the line of sight between such markers can be observed from one marker to the other.
   (n)   Street Lights. The subdivider and the subdivider’s developer of each new subdivision shall construct street lights within the subdivision and shall have the street lights connected to a public utility power supply. The construction of the street lights and connection to the power supply shall be entirely at the expense of the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer. The subdivider and the subdivider’s developer shall make all necessary arrangements to insure that a public utility power supply will be provided to illuminate the street lights in a manner so as to insure that the cost to the City for illuminating such lights shall not exceed the prevailing cost in the City for illumination of street lights. Said arrangements to include, if necessary, the subdivider and the subdivider’s developer conveying ownership of the street lights, poles, power supply conduits, and other appurtenances directly to the City or to the public utility furnishing power to the street lights, as directed by the City, in a manner acceptable to the City or the public utility which will be providing power to illuminate the street lights. 
   (o)   Telecommunications, Gas and Electric Layout. Approval of the telecommunications (phone & cable), gas and electric layout must be secured from the Service Department prior to installation. The plan submitted for approval for each utility shall include a scaled drawing of the development showing the location of the utility line and all associated appurtenances. Service Department shall be contacted a minimum of 72 hours prior to the installation of any of these utilities.
(Ord. 23-159. Passed 5-23-23.)
   (p)   Underground Telecommunications and Electric Distribution Construction. The installation, construction and expansion of telecommunications (phone and cable) and electric distribution shall generally be placed underground. New developments must place telecommunication and electric (including utility boxes, transformers and similar mechanical equipment) in the rear yard within a utility easement wherever practical. If locating these utilities in the rear yard is not practical as determined by the City Engineer, then they shall be placed outside the right-of-way in a separate utility easement approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 23-279. Passed 8-29-23.)